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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Writers Must Learn to Take Criticism | Gomestic

Writers Must Learn to Take Criticism | Gomestic

All writers must learn to take criticism.It comes with the territory. You will grow a thick skin and learn to take criticism with a smile on your face and a thank you on your lips. Anything for the sake of writing. Don’t be discouraged when your articles are rejected. Never give up, when an article is rejected, look it over carefully and rewrite if necessary. Don’t give up. Keep writing and learning.

War is Never Rational | Socyberty

War is Never Rational | Socyberty

Citizens have been chagrined and judgmental about the incident of Marines urinating on the corpse of the Taliban. Their attitude would be understandable if these marines were not kids, a long way from home and in hostile territory, if they had not seen their buddies cut down by the Taliban and their own lives in jeopardy. American military are supposed to be correct in all their actions. We expect it while we are comfortably at home out of danger. But war is different. Atrocities happen in every war. We cannot expect perfect control when horror is the norm.