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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Inefficiency and Waste in Government | Socyberty

Inefficiency and Waste in Government | Socyberty

It’s no wonder we are so frustrated with government and our public officials. Politicians make promises they never keep. Government workers are lackadaisical in their work and we as taxpayers pay for all the errors. Here are just a few of the snafus taking a toll on taxpayers money. These are from a few years ago so just imagine how much more costly mistakes are today.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stop School and Cyber Bullying | Socyberty

Stop School and Cyber Bullying | Socyberty

It’s heartbreaking to read about a kid committing suicide because of bullying at school. We have always had bullying with us to some degree but with Facebook bullying follows the child from school to home. The child has no place that is safe from bullies. There is a way to stop it. Parents should be supervising their children and know what they are doing at school and on the social medias. Schools can be made safe for all children with programs in place at school and in the home to prevent it. It isn’t just kid stuff. Bullying can mean life or death.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Write Your Family Story | Writinghood

Write Your Family Story | Writinghood

You can write your family story. Don’t procrastinate. Procrastination is your worst enemy. Make quiet times to talk with all your older relatives especially. Collect family history, funny stories, pictures and everything you can to present your family as it is seen by you and your relatives. Put your best foot forward and get it all on paper. You will have a precious gift to pass down to the future generations.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

For The Love of Poetry

For The Love of Poetry

 Poetry writers do it for the love of poetry and the creative spirit. If you aspire to become a poet. Read poetry. Read old poetry. Read new poetry. Poets take all kinds of emotions and experiences and brings them to life to make them art. Words are often used in new ways to open up the readers mind and make him see life in a different light. Poetry is something humans have always done and always loved. If you want to be a poet. Pick up a pen and go to it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Does Your Child Have High Esteem? | Healthmad

Does Your Child Have High Esteem? | Healthmad

We have fallen away from the way our forefathers raised their children. Lately we have been taught that our children must have high self esteem to be happy and successful in life. So we have puffed our children up with their own self importance. Sad to say, we have been mistaken. Researchers say people with high self esteem are not all we thought they would be. They are self serving and think highly of themselves but not of others. It’s time to back track and look to the values of our forefathers who taught humility first and foremost.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Children Should be Taught Not Shielded

Children Should be Taught Not Shielded

With student scores falling lower every year, school boards are now weeding out words that might upset some children. Schools were established to teach children about the world around them and give them enough knowledge to live a good successful life. Not to shield them and let them live in ignorance. Our educators today are off the beaten path. They cheat to give kids high scores when they fail, and now they take common words from tests that might be upsetting. Our children don’t need to be shielded, they need the knowledge to navigate the world they live in. 

Your Daughter's First Job

Your Teenager's Brain

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Children Should be Taught Not Shielded

Children Should be Taught Not Shielded

 With student scores falling lower every year, school boards are now weeding out words that might upset some children. Schools were established to teach children about the world around them and give them enough knowledge to live a good successful life. Not to shield them and let them live in ignorance. Our educators today are off the beaten path. They cheat to give kids high scores when they fail, and now they take common words from tests that might be upsetting. Our children don’t need to be shielded. they need to be taught how to navigate the world they live in.

Check out theses sites which features the up and coming author of  "The Sentient Fire"

D.W. Hawkins book review

Discovery Rewards

Interview witrh D.W. Hawkins

D.W. Hawkins blogspot

Apricots for Vitamin A Content

Apricots for Vitamin A Content

We need our vegetables for all the healthy vitamins they contain, but the good news is that Apricots are chock full of Vitamin A and potassium. Your picky eater will love this sweet fruit. Apricots can be used in so many ways. You can eat the fresh fruit from the hand, or simmer and blend into a nectar. It’s delicious in fruit salads or chopped and cooked in muffins, quick breads and dressing. Dried fruits go well as condiments with roasted meat. They are also delicious with almonds, which shouldn’t be surprising, both are members of the same family.

Read more: http://notecook.com/desserts/fruits/apricots-for-vitamin-a-content/#ixzz1rNIGLg5e

Friday, April 6, 2012

Weight Loss Reality Shows

Weight Loss Reality Shows

How good are these weight loss reality shows anyway? People have different opinions on the subject. Some people enjoy the shows and say they are inspired to lose weight. Others pay out money to weight loss clinics and work hard to lose weight, then go home and lead the life that got them obese in the first place. Maybe if we just ate a healthy diet and exercised every day we wouldn’t need to depend on reality shows and weight loss programs to be at a healthy weight.

Medical Tests Not Recommended

Medical Tests Not Recommended

 We have all hoped that President Obama’s Health care plan would be approved. It will cover more people at less cost. The government will make up the differences for those who earn very low wages and cannot afford to pay for insurance. But I don’t understand cutting out needed tests to diagnose illnesses. Maybe these tests are truly unnecessary and if that’s the case, they should be stopped. But if it’s only for Insurance companies and those in the medical profession to save money, it isn’t good. What do you think?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sister Ain’t Got No Sympathy | Writinghood

Sister Ain’t Got No Sympathy | Writinghood

Honey, Sister ain’t one to show any sympathy to her sister. I know I have been gripping and to tell the truth, to save my life I can’t help it. I just keep trying to comment on my friends articles and it just gives me the heebie jeebies when I can’t do a dad blamed thing on this site. Sister says, Sister she says, why in God’s creation can’t you take a hint. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. If them people wanted your input they would fix up that site so you could publish your no account stuff and read what them other people are writing. I wish you would quite being such a cry baby and get this foolishness off your little pea brain mind. Go out there and get your dadgummed garden planted. Now that would be something useful to do.


