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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Train an Obedient Spouse | Socyberty

Train an Obedient Spouse | Socyberty

Ladies would you like to train your husbands or boyfriends? Amy Sutherland might be onto something. She claims you can train your husband just the same as you train your dog. Reward him when he’s good and ignore him when he’s bad. She decided to apply the same technique to her husband and taught them both how to have a happier marriage.

Death on The Mountain | Socyberty

Death on The Mountain | Socyberty

A death on the mountain where Sister lived was much different from now. We go during visiting hours to the funeral home for visitation with the bereaved family. But on the mountain there is a setting up for two nights. The women keep food on the table while groups change out to sit with the corpse. Stories are told about old times and children play.