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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Does The Nicotine Patch Work? | Healthmad

Does The Nicotine Patch Work? | Healthmad

Smokers who are concerned about their health and want to end their addiction to cigarettes have spent hundreds of dollars on nicotine patches and gum to make it easier to put cigarettes aside. Now a new study comes along that tells us, it doesn’t work. Those who use these products are no better off than those who quite cold turkey. And worse yet the appointed panel who approved the nicotine patches were paid by the product manufacture.




Sunday, January 29, 2012

Average Citizens Versus Powerful Lobbyists | Socyberty

Average Citizens Versus Powerful Lobbyists | Socyberty

How can the average citizen get the attention of a Representative when lobbyists are at their beck and call with expensive meals and all the extra perks our lawmakers have come to expect? The answer is, they can’t. That’s why special interest groups flourish while the average small business person flounders. Would it change anything if limits were put on lobbyists gifts, or as some people think, would it only cause our Representatives to hide the loot?




Should Lobbyists Gifts to Elected Officials be Banned? | Quazen

Should Lobbyists Gifts to Elected Officials be Banned? | Quazen

Should lobbyists gifts to elected officials be banned? That’s the question voters are asking. These elected officials are so used to being wined and dined, sent on free vacations, golf junkets and who knows how many other freebies that they accept it as their due. Would you call it bribery? I do. Lobbyists wouldn’t give all these gifts if they didn’t receive value in kind. Let’s put a stop to bribery.




Friday, January 27, 2012

Eat to Lower Cholesterol | Notecook

Eat to Lower Cholesterol | Notecook

The cholesterol story began in 1951 when the pentagon sent pathologists to Korea to study the bodies of servicemen who lost their lives to the war. A waxy substance was found in the bodies identified as a major contributor to the buildup of plaque. Before that we knew nothing about cholesterol. Well, now we do, and there is a lot we can do about it.There are many foods and herbs that will lower cholesterol. If your cholesterol is higher than you like, try these foods listed below. y

Nutritious Food for School Children | Gomestic

Nutritious Food for School Children | Gomestic

Parents and grandparents who have eaten lunch with their school students know just how bad school lunches are. The food is almost inedible and that’s why most of it ends up in the trash can. Parents have fought for years to bring in nutritious food, fruits, vegetables, less fat and salt but to no avail until now. Now the Obama administration has listened and acted. Even parents who didn’t vote for the president should be thankful. This action will mean less disease and obesity in school children. It will also keep them healthier into adulthood. Thank you President Obama.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good News for Heart Patients | Healthmad

Good News for Heart Patients | Healthmad

Many patients are afraid to have sex after a heart attack. But the good news is that it’s no more risky than walking up two flights of stairs. Get the okay from your doctor though. You might need to go through a cardiac rehabilitation program. Most heart attack patients do not, and can resume sex in as little as a week. But be on the safe side and talk to your doctor.

Read more: http://healthmad.com/conditions-and-diseases/good-news-for-heart-patients-2/#ixzz1kbqWP1lo




Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Holy Ghost Girl | Socyberty

The Holy Ghost Girl | Socyberty

Donna Johnson, the author of Holy Ghost Girl was raised from the age of three with a mother and step father who traveled all over the south during the 60s and 70s preaching in tent revivals. They claimed to make the blind see, the lame walk and even tried to bring back the dead. Their Holy Roller tribe prayed and scared sinners into the fold. In her memoir, Johnson tells about growing up and trying to reconcile the outside world and her parents world of hellfire and brimstone.

Read more: http://socyberty.com/history/the-holy-ghost-girl/#ixzz1kUcZbuHd


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cardiac Arrhythmia | Healthmad

Cardiac Arrhythmia | Healthmad

Sometimes herbs work better than prescription medications for cardiac arrhythmia. Discuss it with your doctor and if he agrees, see a herbalist and get his recommendations. London cardiologist Arthur Hollman M.D., is the author of “Cardiology from Nature” which is a tribute to the powers of natural medicine. Get your doctors approval before taking any herbs, and do not stop taking your prescribed medication.

Gloria’s Challenge Free Style Writing | Writinghood

Gloria’s Challenge Free Style Writing | Writinghood

This is in answer to Glorias challenge to do three minutes of free style writing. I’m sorry it’s so unimaginative but rainy, gloomy weather does little to spark the imagination. Forgive the boredom but after I wasted three minutes of my time writing, I am posting it. Forgive me, Please.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Some of YOU MAY NOT Remember Vietnam and Hanoi Jane, A LOT Of Us Do | Socyberty

Some of YOU MAY NOT Remember Vietnam and Hanoi Jane, A LOT Of Us Do | Socyberty

Barbara Walters said: I did not like Jane Fonda then and I don’t like her now. Many died in Vietnam for our freedoms. Jane Fonda is not owed any thanks for her deplorable actions. She can lead her present life the way she wants and perhaps SHE can forget the past, but we DO NOT have to stand by without comment and see her "honored" as a "Woman of the Century." For those who served and/or died. NEVER FORGIVE A TRAITOR. SHE REALLY WAS A TRAITOR!!

Celebrity Paula Deen Has Diabetes | Healthmad

Celebrity Paula Deen Has Diabetes | Healthmad

Paula Deen, celebrity of the Food Network is drawing criticism for keeping her diagnosis of diabetes a secret for three years. She has continued to cook with butter, sugar and pounds of bacon on her popular food show. She only recently came out of the closet since landing a lucrative job as spokesperson for the company that produces the drug she takes for diabetes. She will continue with her Food Network show using the same old fattening ingredients that contributed to her own and countless other cases of diabetes.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Writers Must Learn to Take Criticism | Gomestic

Writers Must Learn to Take Criticism | Gomestic

All writers must learn to take criticism.It comes with the territory. You will grow a thick skin and learn to take criticism with a smile on your face and a thank you on your lips. Anything for the sake of writing. Don’t be discouraged when your articles are rejected. Never give up, when an article is rejected, look it over carefully and rewrite if necessary. Don’t give up. Keep writing and learning.

War is Never Rational | Socyberty

War is Never Rational | Socyberty

Citizens have been chagrined and judgmental about the incident of Marines urinating on the corpse of the Taliban. Their attitude would be understandable if these marines were not kids, a long way from home and in hostile territory, if they had not seen their buddies cut down by the Taliban and their own lives in jeopardy. American military are supposed to be correct in all their actions. We expect it while we are comfortably at home out of danger. But war is different. Atrocities happen in every war. We cannot expect perfect control when horror is the norm.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Electric RAV4 Ev Coming Soon | Scienceray

New Electric RAV4 Ev Coming Soon | Scienceray

Who is ready to take on an electric car? They are coming. Toyota is putting out an electric car at the end of 2012. It will have no back up gasoline engine. And will require the battery being charged from an outside source. A little scary. Where are these outside sources to charge the battery? It also has the option of a third row of seating which will be great for large families. It will be interesting to see how the RAV4 EV sells.

Ron Paul Madman or Prophet | Socyberty

Ron Paul Madman or Prophet | Socyberty

Ron Paul has gained a lot of support in this election. Many people have forgotten about his extreme views in the past, or maybe they consider now is a good time for extremism. He accused Martin Luther King of seducing underage boys and girls, among other statements in the newsletters, mainly (Ron Paul Political Report)and the (Ron Paul Survival Report) he sent out all over the country. It will be interesting to see where his extremism takes him in this election.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Celebrities and Twitter | Webupon

Celebrities and Twitter | Webupon

Don’t we just love it? The shocking senseless comments celebrities make on Twitter are anything but boring. We can laugh at how silly they are, or be shocked by some of the outrageous comments they make. Too bad, that is changing. Celebs don’t like to be laughed at or made fun of. So, they are hiring people to edit their tweets. Isn’t that in itself laughable? I think so. Why tweet at all if someone has to tell you what to say?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

No Child Left Behind | Socyberty

No Child Left Behind | Socyberty

"No Child Left Behind" was meant to push teachers into insuring that all children learned, passed all tests, and wouldn’t be left behind to repeat the same grade. It did sound like a good plan, but it hasn’t worked. Classes were dumbed down for poor learners. Teachers have been pressed hard. Their time in the class room is a rigid set of rules. They must drill students daily in math and reading so slow learners pass standard tests. No students can be held back and schools are failing at a greater rate than ever before. Government has not provided the resources they promised. It’s time to hand the schools back to the states and get on with learning.

GOP Exploits The Poor | Trifter

GOP Exploits The Poor | Trifter

The poorest of the poor live on the margins of society and struggle to keep the families afloat. They own no cars and as a result have no drivers license. They cannot afford to travel and have no passports. They have no bank accounts because they often do day work and are paid for a few hours here, a few hours there in cash. They have no picture ID. Now the state of South Carolina and other GOP controlled states also want to take away their right to vote.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

15 Top Causes of Death in The United States | Healthmad

15 Top Causes of Death in The United States | Healthmad

For the first time in 45 years homicide has dropped off the top 15 causes of death in the United States. It’s really unexpected when we hear on the news about all the murders throughout the country on any given day. Could it be because there are fewer homicides, or if deaths from heart disease and cancer have overtaken murders.

Healthy Dog Dinners and Treats | The Real Owner

Healthy Dog Dinners and Treats | The Real Owner

Have you looked on your dogs food to see all the junk that’s included? Think diseased animals, ground up and you are on the right track. You can make your own healthy dog food and it doesn’t even stink up your kitchen the way canned does. Your dog will love this.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Psychology of The Universal Mind | Healthmad

Psychology of The Universal Mind | Healthmad

Strange as it seems donor recipients sometimes take on character traits, likes and dislikes of their donor. Some even look up families to confirm the donors personality. It may not be odd at all, researchers say we are all connected to the universal mind. That we all share in universal knowledge.

Computer Glitches and How to Fix Them | Webupon

Computer Glitches and How to Fix Them | Webupon

Many computer glitches including internet connections are easier to fix than you think. It doesn’t take downloading programs from the Internet. It doesn’t take any tools or special know how. All too often we go out of our way to look for a cure when the answer is staring us in the face. Worst of all sometimes our cures are worse than the disease.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Homeless Take to The Libraries | Quazen

Homeless Take to The Libraries | Quazen

Due to the recession and loss of jobs, many are left homeless and living on the streets. Libraries are warm safe places and the homeless have discovered them to be a safe haven during the days. Some patrons complain about the homeless being there, using the bathroom, taking up space. But libraries are for all the people, not any one privileged group.

Bank Fees and Customer Service | Gomestic

Bank Fees and Customer Service | Gomestic

Banks make it easy for you to get cash against your credit card by allowing you to withdraw it from ATM’s or by sending you convenience checks in the mail. Fees are usually two to four percent for cash in advance. Cash points are generally several points higher than purchase prices and began accruing as soon as you get the money.

Aa and Alternative Programs for Alocholics | Healthmad

Aa and Alternative Programs for Alocholics | Healthmad

A has a good record for helping alcoholics and drug addicts recover from their addictions. But some who need help are turned off the program by the religious aspects of the organization. Some addicts are mandated by the courts to attend, if they are nonreligious it causes problems. During the past several years a few nonreligious alternatives have sprung up and are gaining recognition.

Friday, January 13, 2012

How Things Work at The Hospital | Healthmad

How Things Work at The Hospital | Healthmad

A note to my friends to say why I have been absent the last few days. Due to a little eposide I have spent the last few days in the hospital. We thought I would be released yesterday but we kept waiting until 9:30 last night and finally gave up. I did get home this afternoon and just in good time. My granddaughter said otherwise she was coming to break me out. It saved her a lot of trouble and maybe kept both of us out of jail.

Lives of Black Women | Socyberty

Lives of Black Women | Socyberty

On Jean Tomer’s walk through the south in the twenties, he discovered something he had not imagined. Although uneducated, abused and downtrodden, black women had deep unconscious spiritual convictions. Their religion was their temple.They believed in ghosts and voodoo cures. They had no hope for tomorrow, and no outlet for their creativity. But I believe Tomer missed something.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

From Illiteracy to Millionaire Author | Socyberty

From Illiteracy to Millionaire Author | Socyberty

This "lazy" "stupid" student, as her teachers called her, proved them and everyone who thought so wrong. Amanda Kyle Williams couldn’t learn to read and quite school as soon as possible. It was only several years later when she consulted a therapist that she found with hard work she could learn to read. During that discovery she was constantly at the library tracing each letter over and over with her finger, so began her love of writing.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Making Decisions on Complicated Matters | Quazen

Making Decisions on Complicated Matters | Quazen

Having to make an important decision can keep us awake at night and stress us out, but there are ways to make the best decisions possible. Find a quiet relaxing spot to be alone and list all your alternatives. Take your time and list all your reasons pro and con. Remember your family and think about how your decision will effect them. Now make the best decision available under the circumstances. If you get it wrong, you will know that you took your time and went over all the alternatives. You can’t get it right every time

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pet Owners and Vet Care | The Real Owner

Pet Owners and Vet Care | The Real Owner

Pet Owners want to take care of their animals but vet care is too high. According to a poll, Pet owners paid vets an average of $505 last year with those whose pets were seriously ill spent more than a $1000, on average. Cost was the problem for those who didn’t visit a vet. Pets owners on the average trust the vet not to order unnecessary treatment but 26 percent of owners say they do believe vets often order excessive treatment.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Huge Gap Between Capitol Hill Millionaires and Tax Payers | Socyberty

Huge Gap Between Capitol Hill Millionaires and Tax Payers | Socyberty

Congress truly does not "get it." They cannot relate to people who are unemployed and in need. Once in Congress, members benefits from many advantages unavailable to private citizens. Members start out with salaries of $174,000 and receive automatic cost of living raises. Members get extra pay for senior posts, plus generous pension and medical benefits. There is also questions about members of Congress using their access to confidential information to enrich themselves. Members stock market portfolio consistently outperform the market by six to 12 percent every year.

A New Addictive Drug Goes on The Market | Healthmad

A New Addictive Drug Goes on The Market | Healthmad

A new pain killer coming on the scene, Hydrocodone has ten times the wallop as Vicodin to suppress pain. Advocates say it will give physicians a more powerful tool to fight pain in patients who suffer from cancer and other serious diseases. Others worry that it’s just one more addictive drug to unload on the American people. For the first time patients will be able to legally buy pure Hydrocodone. Products on the market now, contain the drug with nonaddictive pain killers such as acetaminophen.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Common Beans for Good Nutrition | Gomestic

Common Beans for Good Nutrition | Gomestic

Common beans are one of the most nutritious foods available and they are also very good for the budget. You can use beans in so many different ways to add good nutrition. Pintos are delicious in chilies, and all sorts of other dishes. Fresh beans are good in season and dried beans all year around.You can cook a simple pot of beans or use them in recipes. Whether white, red, brown or pink you cannot beat beans for nutrition.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Grandparents Learning The New Rules of Baby Care | Gomestic

Grandparents Learning The New Rules of Baby Care | Gomestic

So many rules have changed since grandparents raised their children, classes are now being offered to bring them up to date on baby care. The baby business has grown with all the new inventions and equipment that wasn’t even imagined a few years ago. Young people of today are armed with new baby care books and online information. They insist on all the latest offerings and grandparents are often left on the sidelines if they are not up to date with information. Most grandparents did a pretty darn good job bringing up their children, but it’s a new day.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Eve with Brother and The Family | Sportales

Christmas Eve with Brother and The Family | Sportales

Honey, we had a fine Christmas Eve. I wish y’all coulda been there. Brother brought his blue tick hounds and let them run the foxes and child, did they run? I coulda listened to them all night. It’s just the prettiest music you ever did hear. If you ain’t heard blue ticks chasing foxes, you just ain’t lived child. Of course, Sister and Guthrie was there and Uncle Bud and Aunt Almer. They was a crowd of us setting on the porch listening to that sweet music. When I get to heaven I hope they have a bunch of them fox hunting dogs waiting on me. If they don’t, I might turn tail and go in the other direction.