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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ladies, Smoking Will Add Wrinkles to Your Face | Healthmad

Ladies, Smoking Will Add Wrinkles to Your Face | Healthmad

Besides all the damage to your lungs and other organs, smoking adds wrinkles and years to your face. Even 20 year olds are receiving skin and lung damage from the 4,000 plus chemicals in tobacco smoke. Smoking is a no win situation. It ages you faster and destroys your lungs. Cancer risks are also higher for smokers than non smokers, and not just in the lungs.

How Can I Tell If I Have Kidney Disease | Healthmad

How Can I Tell If I Have Kidney Disease | Healthmad

It’s hard even for doctors to agree on how to detect the early onset of kidney disease. It’s best to have your doctor do a regular yearly routine test to be sure. If you have hypertension you are a candidate for kidney disease, on the other side of the coin, if you have kidney disease you are a candidate for hypertension. So if you have one it’s good to be watchful for the other.