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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Einstein and The Big Bang Theory | Scienceray

Einstein and The Big Bang Theory | Scienceray

When Astronomers today say they are following Einsteins theory of relatively, they are actually not. Einstein never accepted the Big Bang theory. Partially because he made two mistakes in his original theory. Partially because Einstein said the Big Bang theory made no sense. He never in his lifetime accepted the Big Bang as the way our universe came into being or Black Holes. He always looked for another explanation.

Einstein and The Big Bang Theory | Scienceray

Einstein and The Big Bang Theory | Scienceray

When Astronomers today say they are following Einsteins theory of relatively, they are actually not. Einstein never accepted the Big Bang theory. Partially because he made two mistakes in his original theory. Partially because Einstein said the Big Bang theory made no sense. He never in his lifetime accepted the Big Bang as the way our universe came into being or Black Holes. He always looked for another explanation.

Retouched Photos of Models and Celebrities Damaging to Girls | Healthmad

Retouched Photos of Models and Celebrities Damaging to Girls | Healthmad

Retouched photos in glamor magazines and other advertising venues are doing serious damage to young girls. If these photos are banned it will be a step up for the physical health of young girls in the United States and Europe. Europeans and the U.S. have long complained about the psychological and physical damage these retouched photos do to girls. Trying to live up to this image of beauty is an unreality which is impossible to achieve. They are the cause of anorexia, bulimia, and death in more cases than we like to admit.

Learn to be a Happy Family | Gomestic

Learn to be a Happy Family | Gomestic

Every parent wants their children to lead happy lives. So how do we guide our kids in that direction? The most effective solution is for parents to be happy positive people. Kids are looking and listening at their parents. It might not always seem that way, but what they learn at home with their parents will become a part of them for life. Learn to be appreciative and positive about your life and teach the kids to do the same.

A Message to My Triond Friends | Writinghood

A Message to My Triond Friends | Writinghood

It hasn’t happened to me too many times so I’ll get over it. I want to apologize to my Triond friends and tell you how sorry I am that I have been unavailable to comment on your work for the last couple of days, but I hope to be back in the grove soon if nothing else happens. I was at the hospital with family and now I must get Christmas shopping and cooking done. We will have Christmas visitors on Tuesday and we siblings are having our annual Christmas get together on the 17th. One set of grandkids will be coming in on the 21st from Arizona . Others from Savannah and Virginia a couple of days later. I will be so happy to see them all. We don’t see them near enough. It will be a busy time and I’m sure many of you will have a busy holiday also. There is so much to do, and I will love every minute of it.