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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Obesity is a Grave Health Concern | Socyberty

Obesity is a Grave Health Concern | Socyberty

The heavily processed food on the grocery shelves are contributing to obesity and bad health. We seen to have lost the knowledge of how to make healthy choices. Food manufacturers have ads all over the TV. Children see ads for unhealthy food on cartoons and other shows aimed at youngsters. Obesity is one of our main health concerns today. Diet plays a huge role in weight gain and disease. We have more obese people now than we have ever had before, and it’s due to the heavily processed food we find on the grocery shelves. Our people have lost the knowledge to choose healthy foods over unhealthy food. Or maybe it’s because processed foods are easier to get to the table?

Writing or Speaking in Visual Pictures | Writinghood

Writing or Speaking in Visual Pictures | Writinghood

How many of us would like to write more interesting articles, or carry on a more interesting conversation? Everyone who doesn’t have the gift of gab, or the nack of writing, I’m sure. We can train ourselves to be visual by writing or speaking with action. It’s like good wine. Give the narrative a full bodied taste. Show more and analyze less. Imagine your eyes are a camera taking snap shots. Add all the sights and sounds. Describe the white of the fresh fallen snow, the muddy roiling water after a flood. Make your readers see the picture.