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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Republicans and Planned Parenthood | Socyberty

Republicans and Planned Parenthood | Socyberty

The Republicans are up in arms about Planned Parenthood. If it’s the budget they’re thinking about, this isn’t the way to save money. Doing away with Title X will put more mothers and babies in jeopardy, cause more abortions and bring more unwanted babies to poor parents who are not able to take care of them. With all the new life we are creating, food and water will run out in a few hundred years. We need Planned Parenthood now more than ever.

Make Your Gas Go Further | Gomestic

Make Your Gas Go Further | Gomestic

With gas prices out of sight it’s to your best interest to make every gallon go as far as possible. If you can carpool it will save a great deal of money. Many people work from home nowadays, if there is any chance you can do the same, speak to your supervisor. Maybe public transit is convenient for you. Look at all the possibilities and if you must use your car, the following tips will be helpful.

Stolen Identity and Credit Card Fraud | Gomestic

Stolen Identity and Credit Card Fraud | Gomestic

Stolen identity and credit card costs are high to the victim in time and money. Although thefts are down this year by 28 percent it’s still a huge number. Often lawyers must be hired to clear the victims name and creditor calls can go on for years. It’s to our advantage to take every precaution available to avoid stolen identity and credit card fraud.