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Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to Clean Your Oven | Quazen

How to Clean Your Oven | Quazen

With the many different ovens in homes today, cleaning might be a bit of a puzzle. But don’t worry. I have the instructions here for you. There isn’t many chores the homemaker dreads more than cleaning a dirty oven. I know. I don’t like it either. But it has to be done and the sooner the better.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Asthma in Children | Healthmad

Asthma in Children | Healthmad

We have more children in America with asthma than ever before. With all the airborn chemicals, personal care products, chemically treated furniture, carpeting, paints, varnishes, foods, and all the other things we have in and around our homes. It’s no wonder that it’s the third leading cause of childrens hospitalization.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wild Food Available for The Taking | Quazen

Wild Food Available for The Taking | Quazen

Many of us have no idea of the wild food growing all around us. Even in the cities, wild food can be found almost anywhere grass grows. Look around you and enjoy the novelty of nutritious wild food that’s free for the taking.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Protection for Endangered Wild Life | Scienceray

Protection for Endangered Wild Life | Scienceray

Our endangered wild life is not fairing too well. Green house gasses keep multiplying and the entire planet is in jeopardy. What is the population to do when the hunters only want to keep enough animals around to shoot and the government doesn’t seen interested?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Obama Care | Musicouch

Obama Care | Musicouch

 Obama Care is now on the map since the Supreme Court of Georgia upheld the federal health care bill. There were different reactions from citizens. Julianne Thompson led tea party members who objected. Thompson said, “We’re going to use this as a steppingstone to get Republicans and conservatives elected and turn this thing around and repeal it.” The bill looks to be proof that politicians are thinking about the health of the people who will vote in the next election. It’s a pretty sure bet that a larger number can’t afford high health insurance premiums than those who can.  It’s good for Obama and the Democrats and bad for Romney and the Republicans, even more important it’s good for the people of our country.