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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Writing Fiction and Non-fiction | Writinghood

Writing Fiction and Non-fiction | Writinghood

Nobody can predict if your writing will succeed or fail. Some writers who are gifted with talent will never make it to first base. Others who show little talent will succeed as writers through perseverance and hard work. Never make any bets on writers. It can’t be predicted. Some writers are more confident with non-fiction, others turn to fiction. Choose what you are most comfortable with and fill that blank page with your words. Don’t worry about failure. If you don’t get it right this time, there’s always a next time.

Me and Sisters Out of Jar Lids | Quazen

Me and Sisters Out of Jar Lids | Quazen

Yes, child, me and Sister has canned so much sass this summer that we run plum out of jar lids. I had some lids we’d used last year and I told sister, I said, Sister, I do believe these lids will still be good. This rubber is still sticky on the inside. But Sister said no, she wasn’t aiming to stand over no hot fire canning and have all the jars spoil. Well, I wouldn’t like that either, but I didn’t want to go to town today. We had to go to the creek to wash off and change our clothes and honey it was a lot of trouble. (I believe some of my readers think my Sister stories are serious, so let me explain, they are not, it’s all in fun.)