Sunday, August 5, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Asthma in Children | Healthmad
Asthma in Children | Healthmad
We have more children in America with asthma than ever before. With all the airborn chemicals, personal care products, chemically treated furniture, carpeting, paints, varnishes, foods, and all the other things we have in and around our homes. It’s no wonder that it’s the third leading cause of childrens hospitalization.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Wild Food Available for The Taking | Quazen
Wild Food Available for The Taking | Quazen
Many of us have no idea of the wild food growing all around us. Even in the cities, wild food can be found almost anywhere grass grows. Look around you and enjoy the novelty of nutritious wild food that’s free for the taking.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Protection for Endangered Wild Life | Scienceray
Protection for Endangered Wild Life | Scienceray
Our endangered wild life is not fairing too well. Green house gasses keep multiplying and the entire planet is in jeopardy. What is the population to do when the hunters only want to keep enough animals around to shoot and the government doesn’t seen interested?
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Obama Care | Musicouch
Obama Care | Musicouch
Obama Care is now on the map since the Supreme Court of Georgia upheld the federal health care bill. There were different reactions from citizens. Julianne Thompson led tea party members who objected. Thompson said, “We’re going to use this as a steppingstone to get Republicans and conservatives elected and turn this thing around and repeal it.” The bill looks to be proof that politicians are thinking about the health of the people who will vote in the next election. It’s a pretty sure bet that a larger number can’t afford high health insurance premiums than those who can. It’s good for Obama and the Democrats and bad for Romney and the Republicans, even more important it’s good for the people of our country.
Obama Care is now on the map since the Supreme Court of Georgia upheld the federal health care bill. There were different reactions from citizens. Julianne Thompson led tea party members who objected. Thompson said, “We’re going to use this as a steppingstone to get Republicans and conservatives elected and turn this thing around and repeal it.” The bill looks to be proof that politicians are thinking about the health of the people who will vote in the next election. It’s a pretty sure bet that a larger number can’t afford high health insurance premiums than those who can. It’s good for Obama and the Democrats and bad for Romney and the Republicans, even more important it’s good for the people of our country.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Build a Lean to Shade for Your Air Conditioner | Quazen
Build a Lean to Shade for Your Air Conditioner | Quazen
Air conditioners are life savers in the hot summer months. In fact we are so used to them these day, we feel we can’t live without them. But they do eat up a huge amount of energy. To conserve and reduce the expense, a detachable lean to is helpful to shade the air conditioning unit. They are fairly simple to build. Instructions follow.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
A Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad
A Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad
Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating disease that until now the medical profession had little to offer, but that is all in the past. New research has discovered a way to treat and perhaps avoid Alzheimer’s disease altogether.
Friday, July 27, 2012
.D.W. Hawkins: The Self Publishing Struggle
D.W. Hawkins: The Self Publishing Struggle:
This is another installment on my writing craft blog posts, and this time I decided to share a few of the things that helped me self-publish, and let you all in on the process and what it is like, what it was like for me, and some of the myths that I've heard from people who ask me about my own road to publishing. I'll let you in on a few resources that you can get for free, or very cheap, and tell you how I've done it and what I've learned so far. It's important for independent authors to band together and share what they know with each other, and other prospective writers, in my opinion. It makes our collective books better, and helps the industry in general. So, on to a few things I've heard from readers, fans, and friends...
The Self Publishing Struggle
Monday, July 23, 2012
Our Military The Cream of The Crop | Socyberty
Our Military The Cream of The Crop | Socyberty
Our returning troops are surprised at how little we Americans know about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have lived it for years, deploying time and time again, losing limbs and lives protecting us, coming home with stress we can never imagine. Yet they come home to a nation that is separated from their struggle and pain. Our military is the finest and best our nation has to offer. Let’s at least recognize the price they have paid for us.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
The Most Beautiful Woman in The World | Socyberty
The Most Beautiful Woman in The World | Socyberty
During the 1940s this woman was known as the most beautiful woman in the world. She was a popular movie star and she was so much more that we never knew. She was born into a Jewish family living in Vienna in 1914. She was a stage and screen star and one of the Ziegfeld girls. I wont give anymore away. I was surprised and never imagined she was such a genius.
Friday, July 20, 2012
An FBI Mole Infiltrates Dangerous Terrorists Groups | Trifter
An FBI Mole Infiltrates Dangerous Terrorists Groups | Trifter
Spence Donahue was a infiltrator into terrorists groups for two decades without his family’s knowledge. The son saw his dad occasionally and thought he was a criminal hiding from the law, as did the whole family. When Donahue finally revealed his identity to the family after two decades, they couldn’t have been more surprised.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Killer Tracked Down by Son’s DNA | Socyberty
Killer Tracked Down by Son’s DNA | Socyberty
Howard Miles Parker Killed at least 10 women and maybe more that were never reported missing. His victims were prostitutes and drug addicts who mostly lived on the streets. One victim got away and was able to identify him when Parker was finally arrested. There were no leads until his son was convicted of burglary and his DNA went into the database.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Primp Up Your Pooch for Health | The Real Owner
Primp Up Your Pooch for Health | The Real Owner
Keep your dog clean and healthy with a good bath about once a month. You don’t want to bath him to often because it will dry out his skin and fur. Your dog will love primping up with a spa treatment you can do at home on the cheap. He will feel happy and frisky after indulging. No Kidding, your dog will love the attention. Try it and see.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Military Suicide Prevention | Healthmad
Military Suicide Prevention | Healthmad
Did you know that as many of our military die by their own hand as in combat? The triggers for suicide is unique to each military member. The separation from family, loss of comrades, going back in the war zone again and again, battle injuries and constant fear of death. Most of us cannot fathom what our friends and family members who serve in the military go through. What it is that makes them prefer death over living.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
The Two Romneys, George and Mitt | Socyberty
The Two Romneys, George and Mitt | Socyberty
Mitt Romney certainly didn’t turn out to be the man his father was. George built up the American economy by producing cars Americans wanted to buy. He kept millions of jobs in the country. Mitt produced nothing. He bankrupted companies and send millions of jobs out of the country. If Mitt gains the presidency he will cut out the healthcare bill President Obama put into place and cut taxes even more for the rich.
Make Your Own Compost | Gomestic
Make Your Own Compost | Gomestic
If you have a vegetable garden, you really need a good compost pile. It’s very little trouble for the extra spiffy vegetables you’ll receive. You can easily build a compost bin with a few scraps of lumber and a little chicken wire or if that’s too much trouble, lumber yards will gladly give you as many pallets as you require. Besides that, you wont need to put your kitchen scraps down the garbage disposal or your yard clippings on the curb.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
A Nightmare of Password and Security Questions | Computersight
A Nightmare of Password and Security Questions | Computersight
Do you have trouble keeping up with your user names and passwords on the web? If so, you are not alone. Passwords and security questions have become much more complicated today than in the early days of computer use. Often capital and lower case letters must be combined. You must add a certain amount of numbers and who knows what else? It can be a real aggravation.
Best College Loan Options | Bizcovering
Best College Loan Options | Bizcovering
If you’re a student getting ready to attend college. Study your loan opportunities carefully. Your best options are grants and federal loans. Look carefully at all options before considering banks and credit unions. Other than grants, Sallie Mae offers lower interest, and discounts if you pay a nominal amount on your loan while still attending school.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Don’t Let The Economy Get You Down | Healthmad
Don’t Let The Economy Get You Down | Healthmad
If you’ve been laid off or are working shorter hours with less money to meet your living expenses, how you solve that problem will shape you for good or ill. Even in the great depression, people still had friends, fell in love, married and raised families. A lesson can be learned from those times.
New Novella “Home”by Toni Morrison | Socyberty
New Novella “Home”by Toni Morrison | Socyberty
Toni Morrison is a well know author who has written best selling novels for years. In "Beloved" a woman is haunted by her decision to kill her children before seeing them become slaves. Another of her books, "Jazz" was a story that explored love and betrayal. Morrison received the 1993 Nobel Prize in Literature, making her the first African-American woman to be selected for the award.
Staying on Solid Ground in This Tight Economy | Socyberty
Staying on Solid Ground in This Tight Economy | Socyberty
n our tight economy many people are floundering with working hours cut short or trying to live on part time jobs. The truth is many people, especially young couples, don’t recognize necessities from wants. In good times the lines have become confused. For those struggling to make ends meet, now is the time to look at expenses and cut out all the unnecessary items.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Nora Ephron, Romantic Comedy Writer | Quazen
Nora Ephron, Romantic Comedy Writer | Quazen
Nora Ephron was a journalist for Esquire and New York magazines as a young woman but soon turned her talent to writing essays and romantic comedy. She was ambitious and with her wit and sense of the absurd she soon became a best selling novelist and screenwriter. If you have seen "When Harry Met Sally" you understand her brand of humor.
Country Music Star Billy Currington
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Write If You Want to be a Writer | Writinghood
Write If You Want to be a Writer | Writinghood
Many people say, "I want to be a writer when I have more time." But they never have time. If you really want to be a writer, you must write. It will be a challenge but it’s worth it. You are unique. Nobody else in the world can arrange words on paper the way you can. You will be rushed. There will never be time enough so don’t wait for time. Just do it. Sit down and write.
Friday, June 29, 2012
New Research on Autism | Healthmad
New Research on Autism | Healthmad
Autism is becoming more prevalent in the United States. Three independent research groups of scientists have come up with some news that might give a clue to why. They found that older parents are more apt to have an autistic baby due to rare gene mutations. Researchers will have a foundation now to stand on. Further research looks promising.
Issues of PHV Vaccine
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Save Money on Prescriptions | Healthmad
Save Money on Prescriptions | Healthmad
Prescriptions are high ticket items but there are ways to cut costs. Online websites are available to compare prescription prices, and pharmaceutical company websites offer discount coupons to those without insurance. People who are covered by insurance can often receive a card or coupons to lower co pays. We can save money if we do our homework.
Arthritis Pain and Treatment
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Growing Food to Eat | Gomestic
Growing Food to Eat | Gomestic
Gardening can’t be beat for providing fresh healthy food for the family. Fresh salad and vegetables found in the grocery store are pricey at best, and are often sprayed with poisons and who knows what else before it gets to your table. Cities are also allotting community gardens to residents who have little opportunity to buy fresh vegetables. Backyard gardens are coming back. Not many years ago almost everyone who had a backyard, had a backyard garden, then, I suppose there was more money in the family and gardening stopped. Now, even president Obama has a garden in his backyard.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Ferrol Sams, Author | Writinghood
Ferrol Sams, Author | Writinghood
Everyone who reads Ferrol Sam’s books knows what an excellent writer he is. I read the first book he published "Run With the Horseman" many years ago and I still remember it. He is one of the best southern writers and my favorite. He studied at Mercer and was a doctor until retiring five years ago. As a writer and a Georgia boy, Ferrol Sams is down to earth and one of the people. There will never be another Ferrol Sams.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
How to Seek Your Bliss | Quazen
How to Seek Your Bliss | Quazen
All humans seek happiness and bliss. It’s worth while to boost our levels of the mood regulating chemical serotonin and live the lifestyle that makes bliss and happiness possible. Diet, sunshine and the right exercise can get us out of a rut and set us on the right path.
Make Your Marriage Stronger | BeyondJane
Make Your Marriage Stronger | BeyondJane
Connecting with your spouse every day will keep your marriage thriving. No matter how much havoc is in your life you can’t afford to miss this opportunity for a happy marriage. One reason partners lose touch is because each has different activities they enjoy pursuing. Don’t fall into that trap. To reconnect on the weekend, each one of you choose an activity to do together. It will give each partner a chance to talk about what is important to you. it will also open up conversation on other topics.
Connecting with your spouse every day will keep your marriage thriving. No matter how much havoc is in your life you can’t afford to miss this opportunity for a happy marriage. One reason partners lose touch is because each has different activities they enjoy pursuing. Don’t fall into that trap. To reconnect on the weekend, each one of you choose an activity to do together. It will give each partner a chance to talk about what is important to you. it will also open up conversation on other topics.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Patients Beware of Medical Errors | Socyberty
Patients Beware of Medical Errors | Socyberty
In general, we hold our doctors in awe. We look up to them and trust them with our families health. Even so, physicians do make mistakes. In serious health issues, a second and third opinion is appropriate. Mistakes can be found in the doctors office just as surely as in the general population.The medical profession has come a long way in the last fifty years and we can be thankful. Most of the old fashioned treatments were based on complacency, ignorance and lack of progress.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The Book That Spawned a War | Socyberty
The Book That Spawned a War | Socyberty
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the book that woke up slave owners to the suffering of the blacks they owned. She pictured them as family units who suffered and loved each other, rather than field hands, servants and beasts of burden. Uncle Tom’s Cabin emotional impact on the south was incalculable.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Diverticular Disease | Healthmad
Diverticular Disease | Healthmad
At one time diverticular disease was thought to be a common part of aging but now studies have shown it is not. Studies have shown that a carbohydrate rich diet with less meat, processed food and dairy will hopefully prevent this painful digestive disease.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Where Do Your Donations Go | Socyberty
Where Do Your Donations Go | Socyberty
We have so many charities that are popular. We hear about the good work they do from the TV programs when they are asking for donations, We read about their good works in the newspapers, and they must do some good but how much of our donations do they take for themselves. Some of them none and others get the biggest slice of the pie. I believe the top dogs have no right to live better than the people who support them.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Bullying in The Workplace | Socyberty
Bullying in The Workplace | Socyberty
It’s traumatic going into work every day knowing you will have to deal with a bully. Some people leave jobs because of it. More often, especially in these economic times, employees put up with bullying in order to bring home a pay check. It’s the company leaders who should be responsible and disallow any bullying whatsoever. Often they turn the other way because it’s easier not to deal with it. Every worker deserves to be treated with respect in the workplace. Senior leaders should discourage inappropriate behavior and be prepared to hand out punishment if it should take place. Bullying must not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
You Can be Happier as You Age | Healthmad
You Can be Happier as You Age | Healthmad
Aging is a given. Everyone will be old one day if they are lucky. Sometimes at a certain age you will be stunned at the number of birthdays you’ve had. But growing older doesn’t mean you can’t be happy. You can be even happier as you age than when you were young. You learn to be more patient and little things don’t upset you. You appreciate your blessings and you have more fun. You can do things you love that you never had time for before. Growing older doesn’t mean your life is over, sometimes it’s a new beginning.
Banks and Overdraft Fees | Bizcovering
Banks and Overdraft Fees | Bizcovering
Watch out for debit card overdraft fees. The big banks are drawing attention for that very thing. An overdraft of less than a dollar can cost you a fee of $35. Banks are taking in billions of dollars from all over. The reason, overdraft protection. If you sign up for it, keep your eyes on your bank balance. The overdraft protection allows you to make purchases if your balance is zero and you will definitely pay for it.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Is It Really Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad
Is It Really Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad
Alzheimer’s Disease is misdiagnosed one out of every three times. It’s tragic for those who have something else entirely, that can often be treated with good results. Alzheimer’s is hard to diagnose. It’s done by ruling out other conditions one by one. Many doctors jump to the wrong conclusion. It’s the patient who loses by having his freedom taken away and suffering needlessly. If you fear your loved one has Alzheimer’s Disease, insist on several doctor’s opinions.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
We Can Improve The Environment | Quazen
We Can Improve The Environment | Quazen
What can we do to reduce our carbon footprint? Will what little bit an individual can do help the environment at all? The answer is yes. Every little bit helps. If every family did what they could to save our planet it would make a tremendous difference.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Cove | Trifter
The Cove | Trifter
The Cove is an enjoyable read about people of the southern Appalachian mountains in about the time of World War 11. Ron Rash writes with knowledge of the mountain people with all their good and bad points. They believe in ghosts, witches and marking babies. They are superstitious and bigoted. Brother and sister, Laurel and Hank are shunned and tormented. The suspense builds as Hank plans to marry a local girl, and Laurel meets the mute Walter.
Monday, June 4, 2012
How Stable is Your Airline Pilot | Socyberty
How Stable is Your Airline Pilot | Socyberty
Should we place a larger priority on psychological testing of airline pilots? Some passengers say yes. Mental breakdowns of two experienced pilots in two months has attracted the attention of fliers who must use airlines, and experts who say psychological testing is not nearly rigorous enough to protect passengers from unstable pilots. One pilot says his doctor keeps one set of files for the FFA and another file that is accurate. Should there be more rigorous testing for pilots?
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Maybe You Should Find a New Doctor | Healthmad
Maybe You Should Find a New Doctor | Healthmad
How does your doctor measure up. Is he ready and willing to take the time to discuss all your health issues? Does he explain everything in terms you can understand? If you have lost trust in your doctor’s judgement, it’s time to find a new doctor, one who will listen to your concerns and give you a feeling of confidence in his or her ability. A strong patient-doctor relationship is a must for your peace of mind and your good health.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Comfortable Screen Porches | Scienceray
Comfortable Screen Porches | Scienceray
Don’t you just love sitting on a screen porch with a ceiling fan gently stirring up a breeze? Screen porches are perfect for relaxing, eating or visiting with friends. Swing a day bed and sleep there as well. Better swing two, kids will fight over who gets to sleep outside. In the south screen porches are a necessity to keep mosquitoes out. Believe me decks cannot compare to screened porches.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Southern Cobb Salad | Notecook
Southern Cobb Salad | Notecook
This rich, creamy Pimento cheese dressing pulls the whole recipe together and makes it mouth watering good, with the addition of sweet pepper, southern black eyed peas and pecans, this recipe adds the finishing touches for a satisfying southern meal.
This rich, creamy Pimento cheese dressing pulls the whole recipe together and makes it mouth watering good, with the addition of sweet pepper, southern black eyed peas and pecans, this recipe adds the finishing touches for a satisfying southern meal.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Highest Ranking Green Companies in The United States | Scienceray
Highest Ranking Green Companies in The United States | Scienceray
The United States is recognizing companies who are going green for the sake of our Environment. Trucost listed 100 companies who ranked greenest. Hopefully more companies will work hard to get on the list and our ECO system will be the better for it. It would be a wonderful idea to shop these greener companies when possible.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Waiting on Sister Hand and Foot | Quazen
Waiting on Sister Hand and Foot | Quazen
Honey, y’all know what a pain in the butt Sister is when everything is going good, but y’all don’t know the half of it when she’s sick. She is the hardest woman to wait on that you ever did see. I just hope y’all don’t never get so unlucky and have to wait on a sister hand and foot. It ain’t no picnic. They can make you want to jerk then out of bed for a good shaking. I’m just thankful Sister is better and I can wash my hands of all her contrariness. My nerves just wont take no more. I told Roy, I said Roy, don’t you look crossways at me till I get my nerves settled. I might just have to smack your jaws. And child, I might.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Coffee Lovers, Drink Your Coffee Without Guilt | Healthmad
Coffee Lovers, Drink Your Coffee Without Guilt | Healthmad
How many of us have given up drinking coffee because we were told by our doctors that it was injurious to our health? Or maybe we drank it anyway but felt guilty for the simple pleasure. Well, that has changed and we can now enjoy our coffee. New research has shown that coffee might actually extend lives and lower the risk of heart disease. I call that good news because I am one who gave up my coffee for health’s sake. It’s wonderful to know I can enjoy a good cup of coffee again and it lowers my health risks.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Inefficiency and Waste in Government | Socyberty
Inefficiency and Waste in Government | Socyberty
It’s no wonder we are so frustrated with government and our public officials. Politicians make promises they never keep. Government workers are lackadaisical in their work and we as taxpayers pay for all the errors. Here are just a few of the snafus taking a toll on taxpayers money. These are from a few years ago so just imagine how much more costly mistakes are today.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Stop School and Cyber Bullying | Socyberty
Stop School and Cyber Bullying | Socyberty
It’s heartbreaking to read about a kid committing suicide because of bullying at school. We have always had bullying with us to some degree but with Facebook bullying follows the child from school to home. The child has no place that is safe from bullies. There is a way to stop it. Parents should be supervising their children and know what they are doing at school and on the social medias. Schools can be made safe for all children with programs in place at school and in the home to prevent it. It isn’t just kid stuff. Bullying can mean life or death.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Write Your Family Story | Writinghood
Write Your Family Story | Writinghood
You can write your family story. Don’t procrastinate. Procrastination is your worst enemy. Make quiet times to talk with all your older relatives especially. Collect family history, funny stories, pictures and everything you can to present your family as it is seen by you and your relatives. Put your best foot forward and get it all on paper. You will have a precious gift to pass down to the future generations.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
For The Love of Poetry
For The Love of Poetry
Poetry writers do it for the love of poetry and the creative spirit. If you aspire to become a poet. Read poetry. Read old poetry. Read new poetry. Poets take all kinds of emotions and experiences and brings them to life to make them art. Words are often used in new ways to open up the readers mind and make him see life in a different light. Poetry is something humans have always done and always loved. If you want to be a poet. Pick up a pen and go to it.
Poetry writers do it for the love of poetry and the creative spirit. If you aspire to become a poet. Read poetry. Read old poetry. Read new poetry. Poets take all kinds of emotions and experiences and brings them to life to make them art. Words are often used in new ways to open up the readers mind and make him see life in a different light. Poetry is something humans have always done and always loved. If you want to be a poet. Pick up a pen and go to it.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Does Your Child Have High Esteem? | Healthmad
Does Your Child Have High Esteem? | Healthmad
We have fallen away from the way our forefathers raised their children. Lately we have been taught that our children must have high self esteem to be happy and successful in life. So we have puffed our children up with their own self importance. Sad to say, we have been mistaken. Researchers say people with high self esteem are not all we thought they would be. They are self serving and think highly of themselves but not of others. It’s time to back track and look to the values of our forefathers who taught humility first and foremost.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Children Should be Taught Not Shielded
Children Should be Taught Not Shielded
With student scores falling lower every year, school boards are now weeding out words that might upset some children. Schools were established to teach children about the world around them and give them enough knowledge to live a good successful life. Not to shield them and let them live in ignorance. Our educators today are off the beaten path. They cheat to give kids high scores when they fail, and now they take common words from tests that might be upsetting. Our children don’t need to be shielded, they need the knowledge to navigate the world they live in.
Your Daughter's First Job
Your Teenager's Brain
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Children Should be Taught Not Shielded
Children Should be Taught Not Shielded
With student scores falling lower every year, school boards are now weeding out words that might upset some children. Schools were established to teach children about the world around them and give them enough knowledge to live a good successful life. Not to shield them and let them live in ignorance. Our educators today are off the beaten path. They cheat to give kids high scores when they fail, and now they take common words from tests that might be upsetting. Our children don’t need to be shielded. they need to be taught how to navigate the world they live in.
Check out theses sites which features the up and coming author of "The Sentient Fire"
D.W. Hawkins book review
Discovery Rewards
Interview witrh D.W. Hawkins
D.W. Hawkins blogspot
With student scores falling lower every year, school boards are now weeding out words that might upset some children. Schools were established to teach children about the world around them and give them enough knowledge to live a good successful life. Not to shield them and let them live in ignorance. Our educators today are off the beaten path. They cheat to give kids high scores when they fail, and now they take common words from tests that might be upsetting. Our children don’t need to be shielded. they need to be taught how to navigate the world they live in.
Check out theses sites which features the up and coming author of "The Sentient Fire"
D.W. Hawkins book review
Discovery Rewards
Interview witrh D.W. Hawkins
D.W. Hawkins blogspot
Apricots for Vitamin A Content
Apricots for Vitamin A Content
We need our vegetables for all the healthy vitamins they contain, but the good news is that Apricots are chock full of Vitamin A and potassium. Your picky eater will love this sweet fruit. Apricots can be used in so many ways. You can eat the fresh fruit from the hand, or simmer and blend into a nectar. It’s delicious in fruit salads or chopped and cooked in muffins, quick breads and dressing. Dried fruits go well as condiments with roasted meat. They are also delicious with almonds, which shouldn’t be surprising, both are members of the same family.
Read more:
We need our vegetables for all the healthy vitamins they contain, but the good news is that Apricots are chock full of Vitamin A and potassium. Your picky eater will love this sweet fruit. Apricots can be used in so many ways. You can eat the fresh fruit from the hand, or simmer and blend into a nectar. It’s delicious in fruit salads or chopped and cooked in muffins, quick breads and dressing. Dried fruits go well as condiments with roasted meat. They are also delicious with almonds, which shouldn’t be surprising, both are members of the same family.
Read more:
Friday, April 6, 2012
Weight Loss Reality Shows
Weight Loss Reality Shows
How good are these weight loss reality shows anyway? People have different opinions on the subject. Some people enjoy the shows and say they are inspired to lose weight. Others pay out money to weight loss clinics and work hard to lose weight, then go home and lead the life that got them obese in the first place. Maybe if we just ate a healthy diet and exercised every day we wouldn’t need to depend on reality shows and weight loss programs to be at a healthy weight.
Medical Tests Not Recommended
Medical Tests Not Recommended
We have all hoped that President Obama’s Health care plan would be approved. It will cover more people at less cost. The government will make up the differences for those who earn very low wages and cannot afford to pay for insurance. But I don’t understand cutting out needed tests to diagnose illnesses. Maybe these tests are truly unnecessary and if that’s the case, they should be stopped. But if it’s only for Insurance companies and those in the medical profession to save money, it isn’t good. What do you think?
We have all hoped that President Obama’s Health care plan would be approved. It will cover more people at less cost. The government will make up the differences for those who earn very low wages and cannot afford to pay for insurance. But I don’t understand cutting out needed tests to diagnose illnesses. Maybe these tests are truly unnecessary and if that’s the case, they should be stopped. But if it’s only for Insurance companies and those in the medical profession to save money, it isn’t good. What do you think?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Sister Ain’t Got No Sympathy | Writinghood
Sister Ain’t Got No Sympathy | Writinghood
Honey, Sister ain’t one to show any sympathy to her sister. I know I have been gripping and to tell the truth, to save my life I can’t help it. I just keep trying to comment on my friends articles and it just gives me the heebie jeebies when I can’t do a dad blamed thing on this site. Sister says, Sister she says, why in God’s creation can’t you take a hint. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. If them people wanted your input they would fix up that site so you could publish your no account stuff and read what them other people are writing. I wish you would quite being such a cry baby and get this foolishness off your little pea brain mind. Go out there and get your dadgummed garden planted. Now that would be something useful to do.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Facebook Pass Word Required at Job Interviews | Webupon
Facebook Pass Word Required at Job Interviews | Webupon
This is amazing. Who would have thought a Facebook member would be required to hand over his pass word at a job interview? It is an invasion of privacy and if it isn’t against the law it should be. At least we have two Senators who are onto it. They will be contacting government offices to protest at this latest invasion of privacy. Hooray for Senators Chuck Schumer and Richard Blumenthal. We need more like them.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Dangerous Water Pollutants | Scienceray
Dangerous Water Pollutants | Scienceray
Most U.S. drinking is safe. If you don’t like how your water tastes or smells, you may want to get a water filter. Federal law requires water utilities serving more than 10,000 people to send and annual report to their customers that explains what’s in the water when it leaves the treatment plant. You can also find the information at your public library.
Sister Outsmarts The IRS | Socyberty
Sister Outsmarts The IRS | Socyberty
Children, did you ever know of anybody that outsmarted the IRS? Well I’ve got news for you. My Sister done that very thing. Now, I know that’s hard to believe and I can’t hardly believe it myself. But it’s a pure-d fact. When Sister gets a bug up her butt, you better watch out. She will turn you every way but lose. Sister was the spoiled child at our house and she ain’t never learned a bit of sense. Sometimes she acts so uppity you could just smack her. But Mama always told me to look after Sister so I try, child, I try.
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Sister Outsmarts The IRS
Children, did you ever know of anybody that outsmarted the IRS? Well I’ve got news for you. My Sister done that very thing. Now, I know that’s hard to believe and I can’t hardly believe it myself. But it’s a pure-d fact. When Sister gets a bug up her butt, you better watch out. She will turn you every way but lose. Sister was the spoiled child at our house and she ain’t never learned a bit of sense. Sometimes she acts so uppity you could just smack her. But Mama always told me to look after Sister so I try, child, I try.
How to Make Your Garden-yard Beautiful | Quazen
How to Make Your Garden-yard Beautiful | Quazen
Spring is here guys. Now is the time to get that beautiful yard going. Many colorful flowers, shrubs, trees and tall grasses are waiting for you to get them in the soil where they will thrive, making your garden-yard the most beautiful in the neighborhood. Believe it or not, it doesn’t take a lot of money to have a beautiful yard. Of course, you must be ready to apply the elbow grease. Gardening friends and neighbors are more than happy to share seeds, sprouts and plants with you. Objects are everywhere to make your garden unique. Look in the house, garage and storage shed. You will find special objects to make your yard stand out from all the others.
Monday, March 26, 2012
What is Your Decorating Style | Quazen
What is Your Decorating Style | Quazen
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Are you unsure of your decorating style. There are many different ways to decorate your home and you are the only person who can choose the style that fits your personality. You might be (as I am) more comfortable with the cottage style, books everywhere, family pictures, thrift store finds,and comfortable seating. Or you might like the modern sparse look, with everything sleek and nothing that speaks of clutter. Do it your way and love your style as you create it.
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Get Your Pap Smear But Forget HPV Test | Healthmad
Get Your Pap Smear But Forget HPV Test | Healthmad
What does your lifestyle have to do with cancer?
Ladies, time to do a breast exam.
Ladies if you have been wondering if you should have the HPV testing, You can rest easy. Scientists have advised against it. It might help in a few isolated cases but testing can do more harm than good to the average young woman. Keep up to date on your Pap smear, recommended once every three years rather than annually. And you’re off the hook for the annual Mammogram. Now you can skip a year. That will be good news to all women with tender breasts.
Ladies, time to do a breast exam.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sister Gets Scammed | Webupon
Sister Gets Scammed | Webupon
Honey, Sister is driving me clean out of my mind. Usually she is a tightwad but today she clean lost what little mind she ever had. Some old scamming idiot called her on the telephone and gave her a sob story about needing her donation. You know the pitch. What can you afford? We would appreciate a hundred dollars, what? That’s too much! How about 50? No! Well, what can you give? How about $10. Child, I wanted to snatch that phone out of Sister’s hand. I kept hollering at her. Put that phone down. Sister, put that phone down right now. But would she listen to me? Noooo.
Honey, Sister is driving me clean out of my mind. Usually she is a tightwad but today she clean lost what little mind she ever had. Some old scamming idiot called her on the telephone and gave her a sob story about needing her donation. You know the pitch. What can you afford? We would appreciate a hundred dollars, what? That’s too much! How about 50? No! Well, what can you give? How about $10. Child, I wanted to snatch that phone out of Sister’s hand. I kept hollering at her. Put that phone down. Sister, put that phone down right now. But would she listen to me? Noooo.
More Sister Stories:
Saturday, March 24, 2012
D.W. Hawkins - The Independent Author Network
D.W. Hawkins - The Independent Author Network
Suddenly, Dormael and Shawna find themselves surrounded by enemies bent on their destruction. All avenues to safety are closing rapidly, and their only hope is to find the key to a dangerous secret lost to antiquity. With every ally a potential foe, they can rely only on Dormael’s brother Allen and his cousin D’Jenn to escape the will of a tyrant, the designs of a traitor, and the attention of powers beyond their imagining. Dormael has never been much for games, but destiny has rolled the dice for him and irrevocably placed him in the middle of a deadly game he must desperately play for keeps. Should he lose, he will forfeit not only his own life, but the lives of the ones he loves.
Suddenly, Dormael and Shawna find themselves surrounded by enemies bent on their destruction. All avenues to safety are closing rapidly, and their only hope is to find the key to a dangerous secret lost to antiquity. With every ally a potential foe, they can rely only on Dormael’s brother Allen and his cousin D’Jenn to escape the will of a tyrant, the designs of a traitor, and the attention of powers beyond their imagining. Dormael has never been much for games, but destiny has rolled the dice for him and irrevocably placed him in the middle of a deadly game he must desperately play for keeps. Should he lose, he will forfeit not only his own life, but the lives of the ones he loves.
Friday, March 23, 2012
How to Repair Damaged Hair | Quazen
How to Repair Damaged Hair | Quazen
If you have hair problems there is usually a way to fix it. Hair damaged by heat and dyes is the worst. With too much heat the hair turns back on itself and becomes a frizzy mess. Using dyes with ammonia makes your hair dry as straw. Neither of those situations contributes to beautiful, natural looking hair. Maybe the following solutions will blot out your scariest nightmares. We can’t fix everything but it’s worthwhile for those we can
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Read Good Books to Improve Your Writing | Writinghood
Read Good Books to Improve Your Writing | Writinghood
You can never read too many good books. Go to your library and choose some of the best classics and best books written by contemporary writers. Look at the different styles, the introductions. Read how the masters handle their characters. Don’t try to copy their style. Develop your own voice and use it. There is much to learn from good writers that will help you with imagination, experiences, and your own unique opinion
Human Body Host for Bugs? | Scienceray
Human Body Host for Bugs? | Scienceray
The human body relies on bugs for health and life. Without the microbes the human body plays host to, there would be no human life. Scientists tell us we are 90% bugs and 10% human. The number of microbes our lives depend are staggering. Maybe it would be more appropriate to label ourselves as a "human-microbe hybrid".
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Your Writing is Your Unique View | Writinghood
Your Writing is Your Unique View | Writinghood
Nobody will ever write your story as you do. Your story will have your own stamp that no other person can ever duplicate. Your quality is unique. All of what you are is in your writing. Listen to your inspiration with the ears of the child you were. That child will never let you down. Draw on that child’s imagination and her wonder at the world. Don’t write about it. Recreate it. Don’t worry about it being accurate. All memory is selective.
Lose Weight The Healthy Way | Healthmad
Lose Weight The Healthy Way | Healthmad
Starving yourself to lose weight usually does not work. You cannot stick with a starvation diet or any fad diet that only lets you eat one thing or two. Your body will out smart you and your weight will be right back on your hips. Instead do it the healthy way and you can keep the weight off. I know. I have lost weight numerous times using fad diets, and gained it back every time. Now I eat a healthy diet, but small servings. It works.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
How to Attract Birds to Your Yard | Gomestic
How to Attract Birds to Your Yard | Gomestic
Don’t you just love birds chirping all around your house? If birds are not plentiful around your place, there are reasons. Birds will not come without plenty of wild food, thick shelter and water. Provide those, and you will have birds in plenty. You can make your yard bird friendly by planting thick shrubs for shelter and plants that produce berries, fruits and seeds. Large or small, your yard can be a safe haven for birds.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Hemy Neuman Found Guilty But Mentally Ill | Socyberty
Hemy Neuman Found Guilty But Mentally Ill | Socyberty
Rusty Sneiderman was murdered after dropping his son off at Day Care in Dunwody, Georgia. Hemy Neuman later confessed to the murder. It was a sad case of what a conniving women can do to a man when he is already mentally unstable. Hemy Neuman will serve the rest of his life in prison, while the instigator of the crime will go free with a couple of million dollars of insurance money, unless she (Andrea Sneiderman) is charged with the crime. Both the offense and the defense agreed that she was a "co-conspirator."
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Stages in Writing an Article | Writinghood
Stages in Writing an Article | Writinghood
If you want to write articles that will attract readers and be picked up by search engines, there is a way to do it. Write articles about subjects that people are looking for. Choose subjects that are helpful or entertaining. Think about what you look up on the net. Health is always a good subject. Viewers are looking for information about their health problems. They are looking for do-it-yourself projects. Current events last for a day and are forgotten. Write about subjects that will continue to attract attention. If you are only beginning, the information below is especially for you. It will start you down the right road to becoming a successful writer. Good luck to you and much success.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Improve Your Spelling | Socyberty
Improve Your Spelling | Socyberty
English is a difficult language as far as spelling goes. No one is a complete master of English spelling. Everyone reaches for the dictionary sooner or later. Many of us sooner. But everyone can learn to spell well enough to meet our readers expectations. First we need to acknowledge our difficulty and accept responsibility for improvement. Mistakes in spelling are easily noticed, even by people who have trouble spelling. We can learn to spell correctly. It’s worth working on.
How to Choose and Care for Wood Floors | Gomestic
How to Choose and Care for Wood Floors | Gomestic
Wood floors are beautiful, but it does take work to maintain them. If you aren’t sure about the type of wood or finish you want for your floors, the following information will give you the information you need. Choosing the type of wood and finish is very important. Different woods and finishes are available. For a clear plastic look, surface seal your floor to make it water and stain resistant. You can do it yourself if you are good at home improvement. You will need to have all the doors and windows open and work on a bright sunny day. Your hardware dealer will tell you what is required to do the job.
Interview with author D.W. Hawkins
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Inexpensive Ways to Decorate Your Home | Quazen
Inexpensive Ways to Decorate Your Home | Quazen
Most women enjoy decorating their homes and I am no exception. It gives the place a more interesting and cheerful persona. We can decorate with very little money and in some cases no money at all. Making pillows out of material you already have on hand, using things as accessories that you hadn’t considered before. Shop at the thrift store and see what you can find. It’s fun and it makes life interesting.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Recipe for Stacked Enchiladas | Gomestic
Recipe for Stacked Enchiladas | Gomestic
If you are looking for a new recipe for your next family get together, this recipe for stacked enchiladas is it. It only takes 30 minutes to prepare and it serves 8. It’s a great idea to double or triple the recipe according to how many guests you have. It’s delicious and everyone will want second helpings.
Monday, March 12, 2012
How to Write a Story | Writinghood
How to Write a Story | Writinghood
How many of you would like to write a story? Nora Roberts gives her advice to help us get out of our comfort zone and make a good stab at it. If we could do as she does, and devote eight hours every day to our story, we might really have a successful novel. Robert’s first story was written in 1979 when she was housebound by a blizzard. Since then she has published more that 135 books and was the first writer to be inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame. Even if you aren’t interested in writing Romance Novels, you can learn form this prolific writer.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Primary Physician Shortage | Healthmad
Primary Physician Shortage | Healthmad
n the United States, primary care doctors are expected to decline by thirty percent during the next twenty years. They are already in short supply as medical students turn to specialties. Primary care physicians are the first line of defence and prevention for serious illnesses. They are pediatricians, family physicians and internal medical doctors. They take care of the usual ailments, write prescriptions and send those who require specialized care to hospitals and specialists. Primary care doctors make up about fifty percent of physicians in other developed countries but in the U.S. about thirty percent. It’s a serious shortage and it’s all a matter of money
n the United States, primary care doctors are expected to decline by thirty percent during the next twenty years. They are already in short supply as medical students turn to specialties. Primary care physicians are the first line of defence and prevention for serious illnesses. They are pediatricians, family physicians and internal medical doctors. They take care of the usual ailments, write prescriptions and send those who require specialized care to hospitals and specialists. Primary care doctors make up about fifty percent of physicians in other developed countries but in the U.S. about thirty percent. It’s a serious shortage and it’s all a matter of money
Monday, March 5, 2012
Copyright Rules and Public Domain | Computersight
Copyright Rules and Public Domain | Computersight
Many pictures are across the whole of the internet that would be fantastic on our Triond articles. But sadly most of them are protected by copyright. We can use them with permission and a fee, but otherwise they are out of our reach. Check out copyright rules and links below to be sure the creations you want to use are allowed without the authors permission and fees.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
You Can Raise Your Iq | Socyberty
You Can Raise Your Iq | Socyberty
Good news for young and old alike. A new study proves that we can raise our IQ at any age. Scientists thought until recently that IQ could not be changed after early childhood. Now they have determined that was wrong. Research has shown that short term memory improves brain power and the ability to reason and solve problems. Building brain power takes work but there are many ways to go about it. So lets get cracking and see if we can learn to be smarter.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Rich and Poor in America | Socyberty
The Rich and Poor in America | Socyberty
The rich one percent of Americans and the average wage earner in America slips wider and wider apart. As the average wage earner gets poorer, the rich get richer. Their kids go to the finest schools, get the top earning jobs and high tax breaks. Average kids go to poorer schools, cannot afford the best colleges and in many cases no college. Charles Murray says the Boards of Directors of Corporate America, Nonprofits and Foundation America have become cozy extended families, scratching each others backs and taking advantage of their privileged positions.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Garlicky Quick Bread | Notecook
Garlicky Quick Bread | Notecook
This bread is delicious and quick. You can make it for dinner without any rising or punching down or any of that time consuming stuff. Just mix it all up and put it in a cake pan and give it 30 to 35 minutes to cook. You can make the rest of your dinner while it’s in the oven. This bread is great with vegetables summer or winter. If you have never made bread this is a good one to try first.
This bread is delicious and quick. You can make it for dinner without any rising or punching down or any of that time consuming stuff. Just mix it all up and put it in a cake pan and give it 30 to 35 minutes to cook. You can make the rest of your dinner while it’s in the oven. This bread is great with vegetables summer or winter. If you have never made bread this is a good one to try first.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Tangerine Tango Makes a Bold Statement | Gomestic
Tangerine Tango Makes a Bold Statement | Gomestic
Read more: decorate-a-rental-apartment/
If you are not afraid of bold colors, you might fall in love with tangerine tango. It’s an orangy red that decorators are using for modern and traditional homes. It can brighten your rooms and make them feel more cheerful. You don’t want to over do it, but you can tone it down with cool colors or cozy it up with other warm colors. If you had rather start off slowly, cover pillows in tangerine tango and add a few accessories in the same color. See how you like it.
Read more: decorate-a-rental-apartment/
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Murder of Rusty Sneiderman | Gomestic
The Murder of Rusty Sneiderman | Gomestic
The trial of Hemy Neuman is being avidly watched on TV. Andrea Sneiderman, the widow of the murdered man, Rusty Sneiderman has spent hours on the witness stand being questioned about the relationship between herself and Hemy Neuman. Dozens of emails and phone calls were exchanged between the two before and after the murder. Andrea’s testimony and the evidence doesn’t add up. She swears there was no affair with Neuman, but co workers say different.
Monday, February 20, 2012
New Breakthroughs for Lactose Intolerance | Healthmad
New Breakthroughs for Lactose Intolerance | Healthmad
Due to new research, those who are lactose intolerant are eating more dairy than before. Eating dairy products with other foods sometimes does not bring on symptoms. Especially yogurt which produces enzymes that digest lactose. Packets of a product (LactAid) that breaks down lactose in dairy is also on the market. The same manufacture also markets products that are ready to use. More options are available for lactose intolerance, so don’t be discouraged.
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