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Monday, March 26, 2012

What is Your Decorating Style | Quazen

What is Your Decorating Style | Quazen

Are you unsure of your decorating style. There are many different ways to decorate your home and you are the only person who can choose the style that fits your personality. You might be (as I am) more comfortable with the cottage style, books everywhere, family pictures, thrift store finds,and comfortable seating. Or you might like the modern sparse look, with everything sleek and nothing that speaks of clutter. Do it your way and love your style as you create it.


Get Your Pap Smear But Forget HPV Test | Healthmad

Get Your Pap Smear But Forget HPV Test | Healthmad

Ladies if you have been wondering if you should have the HPV testing, You can rest easy. Scientists have advised against it. It might help in a few isolated cases but testing can do more harm than good to the average young woman. Keep up to date on your Pap smear, recommended once every three years rather than annually. And you’re off the hook for the annual Mammogram. Now you can skip a year. That will be good news to all women with tender breasts.

What does your lifestyle have to do with cancer?

Ladies, time to do a breast exam.