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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Alternative Treatments for Pain | Healthmad

Alternative Treatments for Pain | Healthmad

Tylenol and Advil have been a blessing for pain sufferers since the 50s and 60s. But they too have their downsides. Both have serious side effects taken in large doses. They do have the advantage over narcotics which are addictive. Alternative treatments are coming into their own and doctors who once cast doubt are now recommending them.

Mommy Networking | Gomestic

Mommy Networking | Gomestic

Mommies are networking these days, especially stay-at-home moms who are with the baby all day. They are setting up play groups to get the little ones out communicating with other kids their ages. Some moms and babies love it but some find themselves in a trickery situation, especially if the group is made up of neighbors and friends. Some kids are not well behaved and do not act appropriately in a group of children, while some are shy and do not fit in with the group. What’s a mom to do?