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Friday, March 16, 2012

Improve Your Spelling | Socyberty

Improve Your Spelling | Socyberty

English is a difficult language as far as spelling goes. No one is a complete master of English spelling. Everyone reaches for the dictionary sooner or later. Many of us sooner. But everyone can learn to spell well enough to meet our readers expectations. First we need to acknowledge our difficulty and accept responsibility for improvement. Mistakes in spelling are easily noticed, even by people who have trouble spelling. We can learn to spell correctly. It’s worth working on.


How to Choose and Care for Wood Floors | Gomestic

How to Choose and Care for Wood Floors | Gomestic

Wood floors are beautiful, but it does take work to maintain them. If you aren’t sure about the type of wood or finish you want for your floors, the following information will give you the information you need. Choosing the type of wood and finish is very important. Different woods and finishes are available. For a clear plastic look, surface seal your floor to make it water and stain resistant. You can do it yourself if you are good at home improvement. You will need to have all the doors and windows open and work on a bright sunny day. Your hardware dealer will tell you what is required to do the job.

Interview with author D.W. Hawkins