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Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Rich Should Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes | Socyberty

The Rich Should Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes | Socyberty

The rich should pay their fair share of taxes. The extremely wealthy pay about 12% of their income while the working class pays about 40% of theirs. Is there anything fair about that? The working class carries the weight of the country on their backs while the rich smirk. President Obama has asked for taxes to be raised on the very rich but to no avail. Republicans like Rep. Paul Ryan cry "class warfare." The only class warfare I see is when the rich are exempt from paying their fair share of taxes.

The Debate Over The PHV Vaccine | Socyberty

The Debate Over The PHV Vaccine | Socyberty

The debate over the PHV vaccine is raging. Many parents are upset at the idea that their 12 year old might become sexually active and have any need for the vaccine. It is understandable. No parent wants to think their 12 year old would be involved in sex. But the truth is, some kids that age are. The vaccine will be of no consequence if the child doesn’t become involved in sex. If she does, it could save her life. That seems to me to be reason enough to get the vaccination at an early age.