Thursday, March 29, 2012
Facebook Pass Word Required at Job Interviews | Webupon
Facebook Pass Word Required at Job Interviews | Webupon
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Dangerous Water Pollutants | Scienceray
Dangerous Water Pollutants | Scienceray
Most U.S. drinking is safe. If you don’t like how your water tastes or smells, you may want to get a water filter. Federal law requires water utilities serving more than 10,000 people to send and annual report to their customers that explains what’s in the water when it leaves the treatment plant. You can also find the information at your public library.
Sister Outsmarts The IRS | Socyberty
Sister Outsmarts The IRS | Socyberty
Children, did you ever know of anybody that outsmarted the IRS? Well I’ve got news for you. My Sister done that very thing. Now, I know that’s hard to believe and I can’t hardly believe it myself. But it’s a pure-d fact. When Sister gets a bug up her butt, you better watch out. She will turn you every way but lose. Sister was the spoiled child at our house and she ain’t never learned a bit of sense. Sometimes she acts so uppity you could just smack her. But Mama always told me to look after Sister so I try, child, I try.
You are here: Home » Government » Sister Outsmarts The IRS
Sister Outsmarts The IRS
Children, did you ever know of anybody that outsmarted the IRS? Well I’ve got news for you. My Sister done that very thing. Now, I know that’s hard to believe and I can’t hardly believe it myself. But it’s a pure-d fact. When Sister gets a bug up her butt, you better watch out. She will turn you every way but lose. Sister was the spoiled child at our house and she ain’t never learned a bit of sense. Sometimes she acts so uppity you could just smack her. But Mama always told me to look after Sister so I try, child, I try.
How to Make Your Garden-yard Beautiful | Quazen
How to Make Your Garden-yard Beautiful | Quazen
Spring is here guys. Now is the time to get that beautiful yard going. Many colorful flowers, shrubs, trees and tall grasses are waiting for you to get them in the soil where they will thrive, making your garden-yard the most beautiful in the neighborhood. Believe it or not, it doesn’t take a lot of money to have a beautiful yard. Of course, you must be ready to apply the elbow grease. Gardening friends and neighbors are more than happy to share seeds, sprouts and plants with you. Objects are everywhere to make your garden unique. Look in the house, garage and storage shed. You will find special objects to make your yard stand out from all the others.
Monday, March 26, 2012
What is Your Decorating Style | Quazen
What is Your Decorating Style | Quazen
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Are you unsure of your decorating style. There are many different ways to decorate your home and you are the only person who can choose the style that fits your personality. You might be (as I am) more comfortable with the cottage style, books everywhere, family pictures, thrift store finds,and comfortable seating. Or you might like the modern sparse look, with everything sleek and nothing that speaks of clutter. Do it your way and love your style as you create it.
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Get Your Pap Smear But Forget HPV Test | Healthmad
Get Your Pap Smear But Forget HPV Test | Healthmad
What does your lifestyle have to do with cancer?
Ladies, time to do a breast exam.
Ladies if you have been wondering if you should have the HPV testing, You can rest easy. Scientists have advised against it. It might help in a few isolated cases but testing can do more harm than good to the average young woman. Keep up to date on your Pap smear, recommended once every three years rather than annually. And you’re off the hook for the annual Mammogram. Now you can skip a year. That will be good news to all women with tender breasts.
Ladies, time to do a breast exam.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sister Gets Scammed | Webupon
Sister Gets Scammed | Webupon
Honey, Sister is driving me clean out of my mind. Usually she is a tightwad but today she clean lost what little mind she ever had. Some old scamming idiot called her on the telephone and gave her a sob story about needing her donation. You know the pitch. What can you afford? We would appreciate a hundred dollars, what? That’s too much! How about 50? No! Well, what can you give? How about $10. Child, I wanted to snatch that phone out of Sister’s hand. I kept hollering at her. Put that phone down. Sister, put that phone down right now. But would she listen to me? Noooo.
Honey, Sister is driving me clean out of my mind. Usually she is a tightwad but today she clean lost what little mind she ever had. Some old scamming idiot called her on the telephone and gave her a sob story about needing her donation. You know the pitch. What can you afford? We would appreciate a hundred dollars, what? That’s too much! How about 50? No! Well, what can you give? How about $10. Child, I wanted to snatch that phone out of Sister’s hand. I kept hollering at her. Put that phone down. Sister, put that phone down right now. But would she listen to me? Noooo.
More Sister Stories:
Saturday, March 24, 2012
D.W. Hawkins - The Independent Author Network
D.W. Hawkins - The Independent Author Network
Suddenly, Dormael and Shawna find themselves surrounded by enemies bent on their destruction. All avenues to safety are closing rapidly, and their only hope is to find the key to a dangerous secret lost to antiquity. With every ally a potential foe, they can rely only on Dormael’s brother Allen and his cousin D’Jenn to escape the will of a tyrant, the designs of a traitor, and the attention of powers beyond their imagining. Dormael has never been much for games, but destiny has rolled the dice for him and irrevocably placed him in the middle of a deadly game he must desperately play for keeps. Should he lose, he will forfeit not only his own life, but the lives of the ones he loves.
Suddenly, Dormael and Shawna find themselves surrounded by enemies bent on their destruction. All avenues to safety are closing rapidly, and their only hope is to find the key to a dangerous secret lost to antiquity. With every ally a potential foe, they can rely only on Dormael’s brother Allen and his cousin D’Jenn to escape the will of a tyrant, the designs of a traitor, and the attention of powers beyond their imagining. Dormael has never been much for games, but destiny has rolled the dice for him and irrevocably placed him in the middle of a deadly game he must desperately play for keeps. Should he lose, he will forfeit not only his own life, but the lives of the ones he loves.
Friday, March 23, 2012
How to Repair Damaged Hair | Quazen
How to Repair Damaged Hair | Quazen
If you have hair problems there is usually a way to fix it. Hair damaged by heat and dyes is the worst. With too much heat the hair turns back on itself and becomes a frizzy mess. Using dyes with ammonia makes your hair dry as straw. Neither of those situations contributes to beautiful, natural looking hair. Maybe the following solutions will blot out your scariest nightmares. We can’t fix everything but it’s worthwhile for those we can
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Read Good Books to Improve Your Writing | Writinghood
Read Good Books to Improve Your Writing | Writinghood
You can never read too many good books. Go to your library and choose some of the best classics and best books written by contemporary writers. Look at the different styles, the introductions. Read how the masters handle their characters. Don’t try to copy their style. Develop your own voice and use it. There is much to learn from good writers that will help you with imagination, experiences, and your own unique opinion
Human Body Host for Bugs? | Scienceray
Human Body Host for Bugs? | Scienceray
The human body relies on bugs for health and life. Without the microbes the human body plays host to, there would be no human life. Scientists tell us we are 90% bugs and 10% human. The number of microbes our lives depend are staggering. Maybe it would be more appropriate to label ourselves as a "human-microbe hybrid".
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Your Writing is Your Unique View | Writinghood
Your Writing is Your Unique View | Writinghood
Nobody will ever write your story as you do. Your story will have your own stamp that no other person can ever duplicate. Your quality is unique. All of what you are is in your writing. Listen to your inspiration with the ears of the child you were. That child will never let you down. Draw on that child’s imagination and her wonder at the world. Don’t write about it. Recreate it. Don’t worry about it being accurate. All memory is selective.
Lose Weight The Healthy Way | Healthmad
Lose Weight The Healthy Way | Healthmad
Starving yourself to lose weight usually does not work. You cannot stick with a starvation diet or any fad diet that only lets you eat one thing or two. Your body will out smart you and your weight will be right back on your hips. Instead do it the healthy way and you can keep the weight off. I know. I have lost weight numerous times using fad diets, and gained it back every time. Now I eat a healthy diet, but small servings. It works.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
How to Attract Birds to Your Yard | Gomestic
How to Attract Birds to Your Yard | Gomestic
Don’t you just love birds chirping all around your house? If birds are not plentiful around your place, there are reasons. Birds will not come without plenty of wild food, thick shelter and water. Provide those, and you will have birds in plenty. You can make your yard bird friendly by planting thick shrubs for shelter and plants that produce berries, fruits and seeds. Large or small, your yard can be a safe haven for birds.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Hemy Neuman Found Guilty But Mentally Ill | Socyberty
Hemy Neuman Found Guilty But Mentally Ill | Socyberty
Rusty Sneiderman was murdered after dropping his son off at Day Care in Dunwody, Georgia. Hemy Neuman later confessed to the murder. It was a sad case of what a conniving women can do to a man when he is already mentally unstable. Hemy Neuman will serve the rest of his life in prison, while the instigator of the crime will go free with a couple of million dollars of insurance money, unless she (Andrea Sneiderman) is charged with the crime. Both the offense and the defense agreed that she was a "co-conspirator."
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Stages in Writing an Article | Writinghood
Stages in Writing an Article | Writinghood
If you want to write articles that will attract readers and be picked up by search engines, there is a way to do it. Write articles about subjects that people are looking for. Choose subjects that are helpful or entertaining. Think about what you look up on the net. Health is always a good subject. Viewers are looking for information about their health problems. They are looking for do-it-yourself projects. Current events last for a day and are forgotten. Write about subjects that will continue to attract attention. If you are only beginning, the information below is especially for you. It will start you down the right road to becoming a successful writer. Good luck to you and much success.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Improve Your Spelling | Socyberty
Improve Your Spelling | Socyberty
English is a difficult language as far as spelling goes. No one is a complete master of English spelling. Everyone reaches for the dictionary sooner or later. Many of us sooner. But everyone can learn to spell well enough to meet our readers expectations. First we need to acknowledge our difficulty and accept responsibility for improvement. Mistakes in spelling are easily noticed, even by people who have trouble spelling. We can learn to spell correctly. It’s worth working on.
How to Choose and Care for Wood Floors | Gomestic
How to Choose and Care for Wood Floors | Gomestic
Wood floors are beautiful, but it does take work to maintain them. If you aren’t sure about the type of wood or finish you want for your floors, the following information will give you the information you need. Choosing the type of wood and finish is very important. Different woods and finishes are available. For a clear plastic look, surface seal your floor to make it water and stain resistant. You can do it yourself if you are good at home improvement. You will need to have all the doors and windows open and work on a bright sunny day. Your hardware dealer will tell you what is required to do the job.
Interview with author D.W. Hawkins
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Inexpensive Ways to Decorate Your Home | Quazen
Inexpensive Ways to Decorate Your Home | Quazen
Most women enjoy decorating their homes and I am no exception. It gives the place a more interesting and cheerful persona. We can decorate with very little money and in some cases no money at all. Making pillows out of material you already have on hand, using things as accessories that you hadn’t considered before. Shop at the thrift store and see what you can find. It’s fun and it makes life interesting.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Recipe for Stacked Enchiladas | Gomestic
Recipe for Stacked Enchiladas | Gomestic
If you are looking for a new recipe for your next family get together, this recipe for stacked enchiladas is it. It only takes 30 minutes to prepare and it serves 8. It’s a great idea to double or triple the recipe according to how many guests you have. It’s delicious and everyone will want second helpings.
Monday, March 12, 2012
How to Write a Story | Writinghood
How to Write a Story | Writinghood
How many of you would like to write a story? Nora Roberts gives her advice to help us get out of our comfort zone and make a good stab at it. If we could do as she does, and devote eight hours every day to our story, we might really have a successful novel. Robert’s first story was written in 1979 when she was housebound by a blizzard. Since then she has published more that 135 books and was the first writer to be inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame. Even if you aren’t interested in writing Romance Novels, you can learn form this prolific writer.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Primary Physician Shortage | Healthmad
Primary Physician Shortage | Healthmad
n the United States, primary care doctors are expected to decline by thirty percent during the next twenty years. They are already in short supply as medical students turn to specialties. Primary care physicians are the first line of defence and prevention for serious illnesses. They are pediatricians, family physicians and internal medical doctors. They take care of the usual ailments, write prescriptions and send those who require specialized care to hospitals and specialists. Primary care doctors make up about fifty percent of physicians in other developed countries but in the U.S. about thirty percent. It’s a serious shortage and it’s all a matter of money
n the United States, primary care doctors are expected to decline by thirty percent during the next twenty years. They are already in short supply as medical students turn to specialties. Primary care physicians are the first line of defence and prevention for serious illnesses. They are pediatricians, family physicians and internal medical doctors. They take care of the usual ailments, write prescriptions and send those who require specialized care to hospitals and specialists. Primary care doctors make up about fifty percent of physicians in other developed countries but in the U.S. about thirty percent. It’s a serious shortage and it’s all a matter of money
Monday, March 5, 2012
Copyright Rules and Public Domain | Computersight
Copyright Rules and Public Domain | Computersight
Many pictures are across the whole of the internet that would be fantastic on our Triond articles. But sadly most of them are protected by copyright. We can use them with permission and a fee, but otherwise they are out of our reach. Check out copyright rules and links below to be sure the creations you want to use are allowed without the authors permission and fees.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
You Can Raise Your Iq | Socyberty
You Can Raise Your Iq | Socyberty
Good news for young and old alike. A new study proves that we can raise our IQ at any age. Scientists thought until recently that IQ could not be changed after early childhood. Now they have determined that was wrong. Research has shown that short term memory improves brain power and the ability to reason and solve problems. Building brain power takes work but there are many ways to go about it. So lets get cracking and see if we can learn to be smarter.
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