Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Catholic Church Pays | Socyberty
The Catholic Church Pays | Socyberty
Parents have trusted their most precious jewels, their children, to priests and nuns who they felt they could trust above anyone else. In return for that trust these perverts have sexually abused their young innocent children, and gotten away with it for years upon years. Now the scoundrels are paying with money,which is all well and good, but I would rejoice to see them behind bars with other sexual predators where they so rightly belong.
Shaman: Devil's Deal
A Clay Hurtubise release, the author of Drug Trip. "Shaman: Devil’s Deal" is an electrifying book that will hold your attention from the time you open the first page. It’s a story about a young Indian boy who has the power of a Shaman passed down from his grandfather. It’s about family, friends, good and evil, and a boy’s account of adventure meticulously constructed.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Whole Grain Shells with Cheese and Walnuts | Gomestic
Whole Grain Shells with Cheese and Walnuts | Gomestic
This is a delicious dish your family will love. It only takes a few minutes and it makes six servings.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The American Way
The American Way
It’s the American way to complain about out politics, our president and any other area of life in the U.S. Looking back in our country’s history you will see quotes of American citizens that bring a smile today. We belittle our efforts and hold ourselves accountable for everybody’s troubles. It’s hard to believe we could sink further in our own eyes, but every generation has more despair to pile in the heap. Even so, Old Glory is still flying proudly and our boys and girls are laying down their lives to keep it there. We rant because we are a free people. It’s our right to do so.
Shower Gifts for Baby
Shower Gifts for Baby
Gifts for baby showers are an issue but put on your thinking cap and buy a gift that will be needed and appreciated. Usually cute little gifts are useless, so when spending your money, get your money’s worth and buy a gift parents will need. Here are some of the most appreciated gifts for baby. Some parents say they can never get too many diapers. On the other hand, soaps and dressy clothing do not go well.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Four Food Groups | Bizcovering
The Four Food Groups | Bizcovering
Stick with the four food groups and your family will have all the nutrients needed for good health. All the minerals and vitamins required are included in these groups. Cut down on fats and sugars to keep weight in line, and serve vitamin and mineral rich foods. These nutrient rich foods aren’t the most expensive. They will save your money and keep your family healthy.
Chronic Pain Management | Healthmad
Chronic Pain Management | Healthmad
Chronic pain management is usually a long drawn out process for the patient and doctor. Not many choices are available and those that are, can have side effects that are sometimes worse than the pain. Some patients have good results from alternative treatments which have no harmful side effects. So it seems reasonable to try those first to see if they provide relief.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Relief From Chronic Pain | Healthmad
Relief From Chronic Pain | Healthmad
Pain is a big problem in the U.S. Back pain comes in at the top of the list. It effects 75 to 80 percent of all adults at some time during their lives. It leaves seven million partially or completely disabled, and accounts for over $5 billion in health care costs every year. Doctors still do not know enough about treating chronic pain. Years ago nobody gave pain any attention unless life was in danger. Suffering pain was common place. Nowadays we don’t accept pain well. We want relief and sometimes find it in narcotics that are more disruptive than pain.
Spousal Abuse | BeyondJane
Spousal Abuse | BeyondJane
Spousal abuse is going on around us and we never see it. Women are ashamed of the abuse and hide it from family and friends.They make excuses for bruises and injuries and protect the abuser. Some women even think they deserve it. They think, "if only I didn’t make him mad" and walk around on tender hooks to avoid upsetting the abuser. There are Emergency Shelters with programs to help abused women. If you are abused you should seek their help.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Alternative Treatments for Pain | Healthmad
Alternative Treatments for Pain | Healthmad
Tylenol and Advil have been a blessing for pain sufferers since the 50s and 60s. But they too have their downsides. Both have serious side effects taken in large doses. They do have the advantage over narcotics which are addictive. Alternative treatments are coming into their own and doctors who once cast doubt are now recommending them.
Mommy Networking | Gomestic
Mommy Networking | Gomestic
Mommies are networking these days, especially stay-at-home moms who are with the baby all day. They are setting up play groups to get the little ones out communicating with other kids their ages. Some moms and babies love it but some find themselves in a trickery situation, especially if the group is made up of neighbors and friends. Some kids are not well behaved and do not act appropriately in a group of children, while some are shy and do not fit in with the group. What’s a mom to do?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Drug Trip a Memoir by Clay Hurtubise | Quazen
Drug Trip a Memoir by Clay Hurtubise | Quazen
Clay Hurtubise’s memoir "Drug Trip" is entertaining and an over all great reading experience. He tells of a seven day road trip on his Yamaha 650 motorcycle taking him from Wyoming to California. Clay runs into all sorts of people. Some kind and helpful, some perfect maniacs. He has many close calls and survives it all with humor and fortitude. Clay also takes us back in time to his boyhood in Maine with family and friends.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Zumba The New Fun Exercise | Healthmad
Zumba The New Fun Exercise | Healthmad
Zumba is a new exercise that has hit the states with a big bang. It’s fun to do and it eliminates boredom from an exercise program. Zumba is the most popular exercise of the century. Millions of homes have the DVD and are having fun exercising. Zumba is in 110 countries with a over 10 million followers. It’s an enjoyable way to get in shape.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Menopause and Hot Flashes | Healthmad
Menopause and Hot Flashes | Healthmad
Menopause and hot flashes are a woman’s lot and it isn’t easy. We either tough it out or we take hormones, which researchers came to the conclusion were harmful to our health. Now further research shows hot flashes are beneficial to keeping the heart strong and healthy for ten years afterward.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Gone with The Wind and Margaret Mitchell | Quazen
Gone with The Wind and Margaret Mitchell | Quazen
Gone With the Wind was written in 1936 by Margaret Mitchell of Atlanta, Georgia. She never wrote another book. She stopped signing books after six months and did not do tours or interviews. Mitchell placed great value on her privacy and was constantly hounded by the public after her book was published. The movie "Gone With the Wind" has been viewed more than any other movie, and is still popular after 75 years.
The Many Uses of Peroxide | Gomestic
The Many Uses of Peroxide | Gomestic
There are many uses for Hydrogen Peroxide. You could almost call it a miracle substance. It cleans and disinfects, fights infections and disease. It costs very little and can keep your home germ free and sparkling. It is said to strengthen your immune system and to treat some diseases. It kills germs like E.coli and there are hundreds of other health remedies.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sister’s Bread and Butter Pickles | Gomestic
Sister’s Bread and Butter Pickles | Gomestic
As I told you all before, Sister is the cook in our family and child, I wish you could taste her bread and butter pickles. Sister’s bread and butter pickles are lovely. I keep a cold jar in my refrigerator at all times. I even make them myself when I can’t beg any off sister. I want y’all to try these and see if they ain’t the best pickles you ever put in your mouth. They’re easy to make, too.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Cranberry Nut Stuffing | Gomestic
Cranberry Nut Stuffing | Gomestic
Cranberry Nut Stuffing is one of the joys of winter. It is so good I could eat it every day. You can stuff your chicken or turkey with it, but since I am vegetarian I make it all by it’s self. It’s wonderful with any vegetable or if you eat meat it’s good with that too.
Eat More Fiber for a Longer Life | Healthmad
Eat More Fiber for a Longer Life | Healthmad
Eat more fiber for a longer life span is the advice this research suggests. Most Americans don’t eat nearly enough fiber. That’s especially true if you frequent fast food restaurants. When you look at the food that has the fiber we need, it really isn’t that complicated. A serving of bran cereal, a half cup of beans, an apple, adding some fiber at every meal or snack time will fill the daily quota.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Self Diagnosis Has Benefits | Healthmad
Self Diagnosis Has Benefits | Healthmad
Online health research and self diagnosis can have benefits but be careful. Go to these reputable sites listed below to get accurate information. Diagnosis for simple health problems that medications can be purchased at the drug store or found in the home will save you a doctor bill, but if it’s something more serious, think carefully. To those who have lost jobs and health insurance, these websites can be very beneficial.
The Best Make-up for Older Skin | Quazen
The Best Make-up for Older Skin | Quazen
As we age our skin loses the beauty of youth, but there are helpers to freshen the skin and make us look better. Moisture helps relieve lines and dryness. We need a liquid or cream foundation as we age. Matte finishes are not for us. Good old lip balm is the perfect lip primer, so use it before applying lipstick. SPF under foundations brightens and moisturizes. A few tricks and we can look almost as good as new.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Republicans and Planned Parenthood | Socyberty
Republicans and Planned Parenthood | Socyberty
The Republicans are up in arms about Planned Parenthood. If it’s the budget they’re thinking about, this isn’t the way to save money. Doing away with Title X will put more mothers and babies in jeopardy, cause more abortions and bring more unwanted babies to poor parents who are not able to take care of them. With all the new life we are creating, food and water will run out in a few hundred years. We need Planned Parenthood now more than ever.
Make Your Gas Go Further | Gomestic
Make Your Gas Go Further | Gomestic
With gas prices out of sight it’s to your best interest to make every gallon go as far as possible. If you can carpool it will save a great deal of money. Many people work from home nowadays, if there is any chance you can do the same, speak to your supervisor. Maybe public transit is convenient for you. Look at all the possibilities and if you must use your car, the following tips will be helpful.
Stolen Identity and Credit Card Fraud | Gomestic
Stolen Identity and Credit Card Fraud | Gomestic
Stolen identity and credit card costs are high to the victim in time and money. Although thefts are down this year by 28 percent it’s still a huge number. Often lawyers must be hired to clear the victims name and creditor calls can go on for years. It’s to our advantage to take every precaution available to avoid stolen identity and credit card fraud.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Women Who Fought for Equal Rights | Socyberty
Women Who Fought for Equal Rights | Socyberty
We owe our thanks to these women who first stood up to fight for woman’s rights. It must have been a thankless task when the women they were fighting for had no idea they could ever stand equal in the law to men. They were owned by their fathers and if the father died, by their brothers. When women married they ceased to exist altogether. They owned nothing, not even their children.
Vinegar an Amazing Healer and Sanitizer | Gomestic
Vinegar an Amazing Healer and Sanitizer | Gomestic
Vinegar is everything it’s cracked up to be. It’s easy to find at the grocery store, has no side effects and it’s inexpensive. It cleans the house and cures many of our ills. You can clean your windows, mirrors and glass wear with vinegar and find not a streak. It’s a keeper at my house.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Dealing with Social Situations | Quazen
Dealing with Social Situations | Quazen
Do you get butterflies in the stomach when you have to deal with social situations. If you do, you aren’t alone. Fully ninety percent of the population have social anxieties. There are some techniques that will help you deal with it. One thing is to remember that most people in the room are just as anxious as you. If you happen to be one of the few who have SAD, you need to seek help from a professional.
Organize Your Hall Closet | Gomestic
Organize Your Hall Closet | Gomestic
If your hall closet is a mess, there are ways to fix it. First empty everything out and see what you need to keep a neat closet. Usually canvas shelves are needed to keep sweaters, scarves and other winter gear neat and handy. Smaller kids need a rod closer to the floor to hang coats and hooks to stash book bags. You can do it with a little organization.
Coupons to Lower Your Grocery Bill | Gomestic
Coupons to Lower Your Grocery Bill | Gomestic
Coupons can lower your grocery bill if you use them correctly. Save your coupons for products you need until the store has a sale on those items. Look at store brands, sometimes you can save more by buying store brands. Nine times out of ten you can’t tell the difference in store brands and name brands. In fact, they usually are the same and come out of the same processor.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Feel Better Fast | Healthmad
Feel Better Fast | Healthmad
When you are down with fever, sore throat or minor miladies, feel better faster with these home treatments. Don’t let these minor ailments disrupt your routine too long. These quick healing techniques can make them go away faster, so you can feel like being out and about again.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Best Freezer for Your Money | Gomestic
The Best Freezer for Your Money | Gomestic
A freezer can save you a pocketful of money. Buying in bulk when you find a good sale is a no lose situation. Buy fruit and vegetables in season and freeze them for wholesome winter meals and you have delicious eating that cost you half of what they sell for in the grocery store. Even better, grow your own back yard vegetables and the cost is even less. The catch is you must have a freezer, and I have the low down on best buys right here. Take a look and choose the best freezer for you.
Sister’s Favorite Burgers | Notecook
Sister’s Favorite Burgers | Notecook
Friends, these are sister’s favorite burgers. Them kids of her’s will take a double serving every time she cooks em. I know y’all won’t tell sister I’m giving her recipes away. Like I said before, she would have a hissy fit if she found out I was doing it. Sister cooked her good old black eyed peas, collards, hog jowl and corn bread today, just like always for New Year dinner. They was good, honey, and I ate my fill. I hope y’all had a good dinner, too.
Friends, these are sister’s favorite burgers. Them kids of her’s will take a double serving every time she cooks em. I know y’all won’t tell sister I’m giving her recipes away. Like I said before, she would have a hissy fit if she found out I was doing it. Sister cooked her good old black eyed peas, collards, hog jowl and corn bread today, just like always for New Year dinner. They was good, honey, and I ate my fill. I hope y’all had a good dinner, too.
Dairy Fights Diabetes and Hypertension | Healthmad
Dairy Fights Diabetes and Hypertension | Healthmad
Who knew a glass of milk and a cup of yogurt could actually prevent diabetes and lower your blood pressure? If you have pre diabetes and eat dairy you might prevent the full blown disease. Nothing is easier than a cup of milk and a serving of yogurt to prevent a dread disease. Lowering your blood pressure with less medication is also something to be desired. So lets eat our dairy, folks.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Defined Eyes and Instant Cheekbones | BeyondJane
Defined Eyes and Instant Cheekbones | BeyondJane
If you are in a rush mornings and think you don’t have time to do much with your eyes. It only take a couple of minutes to follow this routine to have smashing eyes. You will be surprised at how just a little make-up will make you look brighter and it will refresh your spirits for the day. If you want to go a step further, define and highlight your cheekbones for a beautiful look.
St. John’s Wort a Prolific Healer | Healthmad
St. John’s Wort a Prolific Healer | Healthmad
St John’s Wort is a prolific herb that grows in wooded areas, lakeside, or even in your own back yard throughout the United States and Europe. A low growing perennial herb with small, dainty yellows flowers, St. John’s Wort works in many cases as good as any pharmaceutical anti depressant without becoming addictive. It lifts the spirits and makes the world look brighter. Many other attributes lie in it’s healing power.
St John’s Wort is a prolific herb that grows in wooded areas, lakeside, or even in your own back yard throughout the United States and Europe. A low growing perennial herb with small, dainty yellows flowers, St. John’s Wort works in many cases as good as any pharmaceutical anti depressant without becoming addictive. It lifts the spirits and makes the world look brighter. Many other attributes lie in it’s healing power.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Building green is about sustainability and energy savings. It’s not about Mcmansions. Did you know that there is no national standard for what constitutes a “green” house? More than 16,000 projects are registered with the U.S. Green Building Council as intending to go for certification. Building is on the rise and everyone seems to be climbing on the band wagon. But it’s much more complicated than that. We keep building bigger and as long as we call it green, it’s supposed to be better. People do not understand that size does matter. The average new house is 2,500 square feet. How much fuel do you think it will take to heat and cool a house of that size?
Building green is about sustainability and energy savings. It’s not about Mcmansions. Did you know that there is no national standard for what constitutes a “green” house? More than 16,000 projects are registered with the U.S. Green Building Council as intending to go for certification. Building is on the rise and everyone seems to be climbing on the band wagon. But it’s much more complicated than that. We keep building bigger and as long as we call it green, it’s supposed to be better. People do not understand that size does matter. The average new house is 2,500 square feet. How much fuel do you think it will take to heat and cool a house of that size?
Your Guide to Medicare | Socyberty
Your Guide to Medicare | Socyberty
Negotiating the web for information about Medicare and policies that go with it can be complicated. I have condensed and simplified the information to make it easier for you to understand. Check in with your Social Security Office several months before you plan to retire to avoid increases in premiums and to avoid any penalties. Understand Medicare and get the most from your Social Security.
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