Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Correct Portion Sizes of Food | Notecook
Correct Portion Sizes of Food | Notecook
It’s very important to know the correct portion sizes of food. Sometimes we load our plate with good healthy food but in the wrong proportions. Learning the correct portion size will lessen the risks of disease. The food you choose every day, and correct portion sizes has a huge impact on staying healthy and disease free. The plan below is loaded with nutrients and is great for the whole family. Ask your doctor about correct portion sizes for your children.
It’s very important to know the correct portion sizes of food. Sometimes we load our plate with good healthy food but in the wrong proportions. Learning the correct portion size will lessen the risks of disease. The food you choose every day, and correct portion sizes has a huge impact on staying healthy and disease free. The plan below is loaded with nutrients and is great for the whole family. Ask your doctor about correct portion sizes for your children.
How to Make Southern Biscuits | Notecook
How to Make Southern Biscuits | Notecook
If you have ever eaten good Southern biscuits you know what I’m talking about. They are melt in your mouth good. Put that sweet butter in there with some blackberry jam, pour yourself a hot cup of coffee and sit back and eat. I used to make them every morning for breakfast and sometimes for dinner and supper. I don’t do that anymore but I do make Southern style biscuits often. They still taste just as delicious. Try my recipe for Southern biscuits and see if you agree with me.
If you have ever eaten good Southern biscuits you know what I’m talking about. They are melt in your mouth good. Put that sweet butter in there with some blackberry jam, pour yourself a hot cup of coffee and sit back and eat. I used to make them every morning for breakfast and sometimes for dinner and supper. I don’t do that anymore but I do make Southern style biscuits often. They still taste just as delicious. Try my recipe for Southern biscuits and see if you agree with me.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Organize Your Home for The New Year | Gomestic
Organize Your Home for The New Year | Gomestic
Clutter can take over the house before you realize it. One day you look around and wonder how it happened without you noticing. With holidays and the New Year coming the time is right to make a plan and get organized. Get all the family in on the act. Clean out all the drawers and closets. Find pretty baskets and containers for must haves and box up the rest for charities or thrift stores. A few ideas are here to help you get started.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Stop Smoking, be a Quitter | Healthmad
Stop Smoking, be a Quitter | Healthmad
We know how bad cigarette smoking is for the human body. Smoking causes more diseases of the heart and lungs than any other single thing. It’s easy enough for non smokers to tell those addicted to nicotine to just stop smoking, but it isn’t that simple. It can be done. Many smokers quit every day that thought they couldn’t be free of the nicotine habit. It isn’t easy but with determination and the desire for good health and a longer life, why not do it now?
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Solutions to Your Hair Issues | Healthmad
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Solutions to Your Hair Issues | Healthmad: Solutions to Your Hair Issues | Healthmad Bad hair days happen, sometimes weeks of bad hair days. If your hair is dry with split ends or...
Bad hair days happen, sometimes weeks of bad hair days. If your hair is dry with split ends or if hair is thinning, it’s a big worry. Blame heat and chemicals on most hair problems. For others such as thinning hair, you should see your doctor. There are lots of reasons and only your doctor can order tests to get at the root of the problem. Alopecia effects 30 million women in the United States and the good news is that Women’s Rogaine has now been approved by the FDA.
Solutions to Your Hair Issues | Healthmad
Solutions to Your Hair Issues | Healthmad
Bad hair days happen, sometimes weeks of bad hair days. If your hair is dry with split ends or if hair is thinning, it’s a big worry. Blame heat and chemicals on most hair problems. For others such as thinning hair, you should see your doctor. There are lots of reasons and only your doctor can order tests to get at the root of the problem. Alopecia effects 30 million women in the United States and the good news is that Women’s Rogaine has now been approved by the FDA.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Stop Bullies at School | Socyberty
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Stop Bullies at School | Socyberty: Stop Bullies at School | Socyberty Most of us knew a few bullies at school. We dealt with it and usually it didn’t give us too much tro...
Stop Bullies at School | Socyberty
Stop Bullies at School | Socyberty
Most of us knew a few bullies at school. We dealt with it and usually it didn’t give us too much trouble. It’s different today. Kids are more vicious. Why that is we don’t know. Bullies pick on those who are most venerable. Those who are the least likely to tell. These unfortunate kids live their school days in fear. Often they don’t tell because they are ashamed. We’re to the point that kids are committing suicide to escape the abuse. It’s time parents put a stop to it.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: How Do We Overcome Our Natural Tendencies | Socybe...
Updates From Ruby Hawk: How Do We Overcome Our Natural Tendencies | Socybe...: How Do We Overcome Our Natural Tendencies | Socyberty With all the self help books telling us how blameless and wonderful we are, it’s n...
How Do We Overcome Our Natural Tendencies | Socyberty
How Do We Overcome Our Natural Tendencies | Socyberty
With all the self help books telling us how blameless and wonderful we are, it’s no wonder we often, if not always, look to blame someone else for all our deficiencies, rather than looking at our own wayward selves. Over the course of history we have stood by and allowed atrocious things to happen. The Holocaust, the Rwandan genocides and street crimes in our own neighborhoods. We believe we would but the truth is, very few of us stand up and do the right thing when the stakes are down.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Sister’s Delicious Candied Yams | Notecook
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Sister’s Delicious Candied Yams | Notecook: Sister’s Delicious Candied Yams | Notecook Honey, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and it’s time to load the table down with turkey, dressing, s...
Sister’s Delicious Candied Yams | Notecook
Sister’s Delicious Candied Yams | Notecook
Honey, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and it’s time to load the table down with turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberries and all the fancy dishes for the family. Folks will be coming out of the woodwork for all the good eats. I’m so thankful that Sister is the one with the magic touch when it comes to making tasty food. Everybody knows I can’t cook so they don’t bother me. Sometimes I get right sorry for Sister with all that jim jammin going in her kitchen. Why, she hardly gets to sit down for days. I do help her a right smart so I don’t feel too guilty when I’m settin at her table. (Don’t be shocked, this is only another Sister piece of writing.) Her Candied yams are just as good as I say, no joke about that. Sister really exists and gets a laugh out of these sister stories. She enjoys a bit of fun as well as the next one.
Honey, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and it’s time to load the table down with turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberries and all the fancy dishes for the family. Folks will be coming out of the woodwork for all the good eats. I’m so thankful that Sister is the one with the magic touch when it comes to making tasty food. Everybody knows I can’t cook so they don’t bother me. Sometimes I get right sorry for Sister with all that jim jammin going in her kitchen. Why, she hardly gets to sit down for days. I do help her a right smart so I don’t feel too guilty when I’m settin at her table. (Don’t be shocked, this is only another Sister piece of writing.) Her Candied yams are just as good as I say, no joke about that. Sister really exists and gets a laugh out of these sister stories. She enjoys a bit of fun as well as the next one.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: The Perfect Pie Crust | Notecook
Updates From Ruby Hawk: The Perfect Pie Crust | Notecook: The Perfect Pie Crust | Notecook f you are like me, you are always looking to make the perfect pie crust, especially for Thanksgiving and...
The Perfect Pie Crust | Notecook
The Perfect Pie Crust | Notecook
f you are like me, you are always looking to make the perfect pie crust, especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I like my pie crusts nice and flaky and tender enough to melt in your mouth. I have tried first one recipe and another and improvised occasionally. The following recipe is my all time favorite and it never fails. Just be sure your butter is thoroughly chilled and don’t skimp on the resting time. It’s perfect for fruit or cream pies and it always holds up. Be sure to butter your pie pan well if you’re making fruit pies so it doesn’t stick to the pan.
f you are like me, you are always looking to make the perfect pie crust, especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I like my pie crusts nice and flaky and tender enough to melt in your mouth. I have tried first one recipe and another and improvised occasionally. The following recipe is my all time favorite and it never fails. Just be sure your butter is thoroughly chilled and don’t skimp on the resting time. It’s perfect for fruit or cream pies and it always holds up. Be sure to butter your pie pan well if you’re making fruit pies so it doesn’t stick to the pan.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Blood Pressure Control | Healthmad
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Blood Pressure Control | Healthmad: Blood Pressure Control | Healthmad Chances are the first thing that happens in your doctor’s office is the nurse wraps a blood pressure ...
Blood Pressure Control | Healthmad
Blood Pressure Control | Healthmad
Chances are the first thing that happens in your doctor’s office is the nurse wraps a blood pressure cuff around your arm. It’s a simple test with no pain involved but it’s a very important test. As blood runs through your arteries, it places pressure on the artery walls. If the pressure is too high, the arteries will stretch and tear. The scar tissue then forms a substance called plaque, leading to blockages. If it isn’t kept under tight control, you will be at risk for heart attack, stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.
Chances are the first thing that happens in your doctor’s office is the nurse wraps a blood pressure cuff around your arm. It’s a simple test with no pain involved but it’s a very important test. As blood runs through your arteries, it places pressure on the artery walls. If the pressure is too high, the arteries will stretch and tear. The scar tissue then forms a substance called plaque, leading to blockages. If it isn’t kept under tight control, you will be at risk for heart attack, stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood
Updates From Ruby Hawk: D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood: D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood D.W. Hawkins The Sentient Fire Kindle the Spark Short Notice Video Contest...a mouthfu...
D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood
D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood
The Sentient Fire Kindle the Spark Short Notice Video Contest...a mouthful, but also a bucketful of awesome prizes, including amazon gift cards, and free copies of The Sentient Fire! Check it out, and enter for awesome prizes here:
contest.htm . Follow me on twitter @authorDWHawkins or subscribe to my blog at Thanks!In case you didn't know yet, you can purchase your copy of The Sentient Fire for Kindle here:
Sentient-Fire-Seven-Signs-ebook /dp/B006AF8BIW/ ref=sr_1_1?ie=UT218599 13&sr=8-1 F8&qid=13. If you have a different ereader, or want it in .pdf format or .doc, you can get it here:
books/view/106594 . Follow me on Twitter @authorDWHawkins and enjoy The Sentient Fire. Feel free to write me a review, and subscribe to my blog for more updates on the books, promotions, and contests as they come out one short night, Dormael Harlun’s life was changed forever. Tired and half drunk, Dormael stumbled upon Shawna Llewan, a beautiful young woman, wounded and near death. What he didn’t realize was that his decision to come to her aid would be the only the beginning of hi...The print version of The Sentient Fire is still pending, but rest assured I'll be posting updates here, it shouldn't be much longer now!
The Sentient Fire is now LIVE in ebook format for Kindle and other readers!! If you have a Kindle, buy it here:
B006AF8BIW . Or, if you have another ereader, then you can buy it from Smashwords here: one short night, Dormael Harlun’s life was changed forever. Tired and half drunk, Dormael stumbled upon Shawna Llewan, a beautiful young woman, wounded and near death. What he didn’t realize was that his decision to come to her aid would be the only the beginning of hi...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood
Updates From Ruby Hawk: D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood: D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood My grandson, D.W. Hawkins is a gifted writer who has served his country for the last t...
D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood
D.W. Hawkins and The Sentient Fire | Writinghood
My grandson, D.W. Hawkins is a gifted writer who has served his country for the last ten years as Crew Chief of the Black Hawk. He served two deployments in Iraq and his last deployment was in Afghanistan. During these hectic years he has spent every spare moment writing what I believe will be a best seller. "The Sentient Fire" will be out in November. Dan has always been a fan of Fantasy and this fantasy is the best story of that genre I have yet to read. I feel privileged to be one of the few he has allowed to see parts of his book. The following is Daniel introducing his, "Sentient Fire" I hope everyone will support him in his endeavors.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Three Super Foods | Notecook
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Three Super Foods | Notecook: Three Super Foods | Notecook We have many super healthy foods that we should eat every day. They help us maintain our health and preve...
Three Super Foods | Notecook
Three Super Foods | Notecook
We have many super healthy foods that we should eat every day. They help us maintain our health and prevent some health problems. These are only three of them. Nutrition is a powerful aid in our fight against iron deficiency, anemia, and obesity among many other unhealthy conditions. Being cautious about the foods we eat is one of the things we can do to continue to have a healthy body and mind. The right foods will prevent some disease and will lessen the symptoms of others. In fact, if we knew enough about nutrition we might be able to prevent and cure many of the diseases that plague us.
We have many super healthy foods that we should eat every day. They help us maintain our health and prevent some health problems. These are only three of them. Nutrition is a powerful aid in our fight against iron deficiency, anemia, and obesity among many other unhealthy conditions. Being cautious about the foods we eat is one of the things we can do to continue to have a healthy body and mind. The right foods will prevent some disease and will lessen the symptoms of others. In fact, if we knew enough about nutrition we might be able to prevent and cure many of the diseases that plague us.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Essential Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) Reduces Child’s H...
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Essential Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) Reduces Child’s H...: Essential Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) Reduces Child’s Health Risks | Bizcovering Essential fatty acids are recommended for children from the ...
Essential Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) Reduces Child’s Health Risks | Bizcovering
Essential Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) Reduces Child’s Health Risks | Bizcovering
Essential fatty acids are recommended for children from the beginning of the mother’s pregnancy and through breast feeding. Mothers who do so reduce the child’s risk of asthma, infections, allergies and ADHD. Essential fatty acids are essential for brain development and function. It’s never too early to include fish oil in your child’s diet.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Rootie Tootie Cake and Fruit Compotes | Notecook
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Rootie Tootie Cake and Fruit Compotes | Notecook: Rootie Tootie Cake and Fruit Compotes | Notecook Our moms used to love to cook, that’s what folks claim when they talk about the huge spr...
Rootie Tootie Cake and Fruit Compotes | Notecook
Rootie Tootie Cake and Fruit Compotes | Notecook
Our moms used to love to cook, that’s what folks claim when they talk about the huge spreads our mothers laid on the table. And maybe it’s true. I tend to think our moms didn’t have the advantages of boxed mixes and ready to cook fruits and vegetables that we have today. They had no other choices than spending hours in the kitchen preparing meals from scratch. Thank goodness, that’s not true today. We can buy a box of cake mix or a bag of frozen fruits or vegetables and make just about any dish we like in a short time. But just in case we didn’t have time to shop and company is coming, hurry up and bake the Rootie Tootie cake below while hubby runs out and buys some fruit and wine.
Our moms used to love to cook, that’s what folks claim when they talk about the huge spreads our mothers laid on the table. And maybe it’s true. I tend to think our moms didn’t have the advantages of boxed mixes and ready to cook fruits and vegetables that we have today. They had no other choices than spending hours in the kitchen preparing meals from scratch. Thank goodness, that’s not true today. We can buy a box of cake mix or a bag of frozen fruits or vegetables and make just about any dish we like in a short time. But just in case we didn’t have time to shop and company is coming, hurry up and bake the Rootie Tootie cake below while hubby runs out and buys some fruit and wine.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: It’s Time to Talk Turkey | Notecook
Updates From Ruby Hawk: It’s Time to Talk Turkey | Notecook: It’s Time to Talk Turkey | Notecook Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it’s time to talk turkey. What size turkey should you buy...
It’s Time to Talk Turkey | Notecook
It’s Time to Talk Turkey | Notecook
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it’s time to talk turkey. What size turkey should you buy, for how many people, whether to stuff the turkey or make a roast pan full of dressing. How long will it take to roast the turkey? All your answers are here. Let the kids join in chopping onions, celery and breaking up the corn bread. They love helping mom in the kitchen. You want to cook your giblets early to have good rich broth ready for making dressing, so don’t forget.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it’s time to talk turkey. What size turkey should you buy, for how many people, whether to stuff the turkey or make a roast pan full of dressing. How long will it take to roast the turkey? All your answers are here. Let the kids join in chopping onions, celery and breaking up the corn bread. They love helping mom in the kitchen. You want to cook your giblets early to have good rich broth ready for making dressing, so don’t forget.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Brighten Up Your House | Gomestic
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Brighten Up Your House | Gomestic: Brighten Up Your House | Gomestic Is your house dull? Why not brighten it up a bit and make it more inviting? It isn’t too hard to paint...
Brighten Up Your House | Gomestic
Brighten Up Your House | Gomestic
Is your house dull? Why not brighten it up a bit and make it more inviting? It isn’t too hard to paint moldings and window surrounds in a contrasting color, or going whole hog and painting the entire walls and ceilings. You can also paint the inside of bookcases and cabinets with contrasting color or with a pretty wallpaper. Make a few new slip covers and covering sofa pillows in bright colors. You’ll be surprised at what a few changes will add to your decor.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pies | No...
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pies | No...: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pies | Notecook Everyone has heard the expression "As American as apple pie " and it’s true. Appl...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pies | Notecook
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pies | Notecook
Everyone has heard the expression "As American as apple pie" and it’s true. Apple pie is the number one favorite of Americans. We eat more apple pies than any other nation. Although England is credited with making the first fruit pies or "fruit tarts." By the turn of the 18th century pie was an American symbol of pride, honesty and plenty. A hundred years ago a young man would often present his wife with a rolling pin as a wedding gift. Where farmers ate pie three times a day, it was a welcome gift.
Everyone has heard the expression "As American as apple pie" and it’s true. Apple pie is the number one favorite of Americans. We eat more apple pies than any other nation. Although England is credited with making the first fruit pies or "fruit tarts." By the turn of the 18th century pie was an American symbol of pride, honesty and plenty. A hundred years ago a young man would often present his wife with a rolling pin as a wedding gift. Where farmers ate pie three times a day, it was a welcome gift.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad: Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad Learning to cope with Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the hardest things you will ever do. It...
Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad
Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease | Healthmad
Learning to cope with Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the hardest things you will ever do. It is a slow descent into nothingness with no stopping until hitting the bottom. The stress and strain of the partner caring for the loved one is your worst nightmare. It is devastating. No medicine at present can do anything but slow the disease. Researchers are working on treatments they hope will slow Alzheimer’s progress even more, and hopefully stop it completely. At present a cure is only a dream of the future.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Silver Moon | Authspot
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Silver Moon | Authspot: Silver Moon | Authspot he harvest moon was silver and magical on this beautiful silver night. I stood on my deck with the dog and cats ...
Silver Moon | Authspot
Silver Moon | Authspot
he harvest moon was silver and magical on this beautiful silver night. I stood on my deck with the dog and cats looking out at the most beautiful night of my life. It was something out of a fairy tale and I will never forget the magic of it.
It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life.
he harvest moon was silver and magical on this beautiful silver night. I stood on my deck with the dog and cats looking out at the most beautiful night of my life. It was something out of a fairy tale and I will never forget the magic of it.
It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Rethink Your Cleaning Routine | Bizcovering
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Rethink Your Cleaning Routine | Bizcovering: Rethink Your Cleaning Routine | Bizcovering Don’t you just hate to spend your weekend cleaning? Weekends should be time spent with your ...
Rethink Your Cleaning Routine | Bizcovering
Rethink Your Cleaning Routine | Bizcovering
Don’t you just hate to spend your weekend cleaning? Weekends should be time spent with your family having fun. But we want our houses clean. What to do? With a few tweaks you can have a clean house and your weekends practically free from house work. All it takes is a little organizing, and routine cleaning every day. Instead of spending your weekend cleaning, tackle a little bit every day and see if it doesn’t work better.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Liver Transplant Controversy | Healthmad
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Liver Transplant Controversy | Healthmad: Liver Transplant Controversy | Healthmad A controversy is going on between doctors about the necessity of alcoholics remaining sober for ...
Liver Transplant Controversy | Healthmad
Liver Transplant Controversy | Healthmad
A controversy is going on between doctors about the necessity of alcoholics remaining sober for six months before a liver transplant. Some doctors think it’s unfair to make a patient wait six months rather than preforming a transplant when an organ is available. Others say if the patient can’t remain sober for six months, they wont remain sober after the surgery, and a valuable organ will be wasted.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: What You Should Know About The Influenza Vaccine |...
Updates From Ruby Hawk: What You Should Know About The Influenza Vaccine |...: What You Should Know About The Influenza Vaccine | Healthmad The influenza season is upon us and it’s time to get the influenza vaccine....
What You Should Know About The Influenza Vaccine | Healthmad
What You Should Know About The Influenza Vaccine | Healthmad
The influenza season is upon us and it’s time to get the influenza vaccine. Many people have flu every year. It takes workers away from work, children away from school and puts some of us in the hospital for lengthy stays. Many of us can avoid the flu by getting vaccinated. An injection is little to pay for staying away from doctor’s offices and hospitals this winter. The following tells you everything you need to know about symptoms of flu and the influenza vaccine.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: U.s. Veterans Return From Iraq and Afghanistan | S...
Updates From Ruby Hawk: U.s. Veterans Return From Iraq and Afghanistan | S...: U.s. Veterans Return From Iraq and Afghanistan | Socyberty Our veterans are coming home by the thousands to no jobs and families who dep...
U.s. Veterans Return From Iraq and Afghanistan | Socyberty
U.s. Veterans Return From Iraq and Afghanistan | Socyberty
Our veterans are coming home by the thousands to no jobs and families who depend on them for support. Civilians have forgotten about the sacrifices our young people have made during the long ten year war. As much as civilians need the few jobs available, these veterans need and deserve them even more.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: The Martin Luther King Legacy | Socyberty
Updates From Ruby Hawk: The Martin Luther King Legacy | Socyberty: The Martin Luther King Legacy | Socyberty Martin Luther King is thought of by the public as history’s property but his family doesn’t s...
The Martin Luther King Legacy | Socyberty
The Martin Luther King Legacy | Socyberty
Martin Luther King is thought of by the public as history’s property but his family doesn’t see it that way. They have copyrights on his speeches and images. Philippi Loengard, assistant director of the Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts at Columbia University, said while she understands why the family might guard how King’s image is used, "they are one of the most careful concerned and on top of image protectors I’ve ever met. They are very aggressive.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: New Role for Female Soldiers | Socyberty
Updates From Ruby Hawk: New Role for Female Soldiers | Socyberty: New Role for Female Soldiers | Socyberty Female soldiers have taken on a new role in the Military. They are now traveling with special ...
New Role for Female Soldiers | Socyberty
New Role for Female Soldiers | Socyberty
Female soldiers have taken on a new role in the Military. They are now traveling with special forces to do things that are impossible for male soldiers to do, such as searching burqa clad women and identifying insurgents posing as women. The first group of female soldiers went into the field last January deploying to Afghanistan with Army Rangers and Special Forces.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Recycled Glass is ECO Friendly | Quazen
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Recycled Glass is ECO Friendly | Quazen: Recycled Glass is ECO Friendly | Quazen Recycled glass is earth friendly and looks beautiful when made into counter tops, back splashes,...
Recycled Glass is ECO Friendly | Quazen
Recycled Glass is ECO Friendly | Quazen
Recycled glass is earth friendly and looks beautiful when made into counter tops, back splashes, walls and even to line swimming pools. With loads of glass bottles going into land fields, it makes good sense to make something useful and beautiful from it. Recycled glass is unique and it shows an eco friendly attitude.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage | Healthmad
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage | Healthmad: Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage | Healthmad Sun damage to skin can lead to cancer, eye damage, premature aging and suppression of the ...
Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage | Healthmad
Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage | Healthmad
Sun damage to skin can lead to cancer, eye damage, premature aging and suppression of the immune system. Using sunscreen is essential to our health and well being. It takes about one ounce of sunscreen to cover the body correctly, more for a larger person, that’s about two teaspoons full. One eight ounce bottle of sunscreen will cover about 16 hours in the sun. An SPF of 15, experts say is all all right for a short while in the sun, but use an SPF of 30 or higher and apply it every two hours if you are out several hours.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: New Trends in Home Lighting | Quazen
Updates From Ruby Hawk: New Trends in Home Lighting | Quazen: New Trends in Home Lighting | Quazen New trends in lighting make your home brighter and saves energy. It’s a fact that most people under...
New Trends in Home Lighting | Quazen
New Trends in Home Lighting | Quazen
New trends in lighting make your home brighter and saves energy. It’s a fact that most people under light their homes. Home decorators say that lighting is the unsung hero in interior design. Lighting is often overlooked while planning the obvious elements. Owners generally spend just three to 10 percent on lighting, but lighting can transform a mediocre home into a thing of beauty. Good lighting can dramatically alter the look of your home.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Tips for Online Safety | Webupon
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Tips for Online Safety | Webupon: Tips for Online Safety | Webupon We cannot be completely safe online, in spite of security settings, firewalls and all the other safety...
Tips for Online Safety | Webupon
Tips for Online Safety | Webupon
We cannot be completely safe online, in spite of security settings, firewalls and all the other safety measures. We must be diligent and keep our personal information as close as possible. Sharing personal information on the social networks is asking for trouble. Criminals are watching for any information they can use to steal your information and your possessions.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Social Security Information | Gomestic
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Social Security Information | Gomestic: Social Security Information | Gomestic This information will give you an idea about your social security retirement. It will help you d...
Social Security Information | Gomestic
Social Security Information | Gomestic
This information will give you an idea about your social security retirement. It will help you decide whether to take early retirement at age 62 or wait until you are 70, which is the latest you can take it. If you are in good health you may want to work as long as possible, but if you are in ill health it might be best to take early retirement. If you are undecided go to your nearest social security office and talk to an agent. They are understanding and helpful.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Career Women Opt Out of Motherhood | Gomestic
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Career Women Opt Out of Motherhood | Gomestic: Career Women Opt Out of Motherhood | Gomestic The United States birth rate is falling. Career women between the ages of thirty and for...
Career Women Opt Out of Motherhood | Gomestic
Career Women Opt Out of Motherhood | Gomestic
The United States birth rate is falling. Career women between the ages of thirty and forty years are opting out of motherhood. These are highly educated women who have successful careers. They make good salaries but still owe hefty loans that paid for their education. These women are the latch key generation who had less security and home life than previous generations. They have more choices than their mothers and grandmothers and they are choosing not to have babies.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Tackle Those Tough Cleaning Jobs | Webupon
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Tackle Those Tough Cleaning Jobs | Webupon: Tackle Those Tough Cleaning Jobs | Webupon Greasy dishes and stove tops are the jobs I hate most to tackle, or did until I learned the e...
Tackle Those Tough Cleaning Jobs | Webupon
Tackle Those Tough Cleaning Jobs | Webupon
Greasy dishes and stove tops are the jobs I hate most to tackle, or did until I learned the easy way to clean them up fast. The same ingredient works just as well in the bathroom for messy sinks, scummy tubs and shower walls. It’s a miracle cleaner that costs pennies and works wonders in the home.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Bank and Credit Card Fees | Gomestic
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Bank and Credit Card Fees | Gomestic: Bank and Credit Card Fees | Gomestic Bank and credit card fees can eat you up. For less cost find a small community bank that doesn’t c...
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Bank and Credit Card Fees | Gomestic
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Bank and Credit Card Fees | Gomestic: Bank and Credit Card Fees | Gomestic Bank and credit card fees can eat you up. For less cost find a small community bank that doesn’t c...
Bank and Credit Card Fees | Gomestic
Bank and Credit Card Fees | Gomestic
Bank and credit card fees can eat you up. For less cost find a small community bank that doesn’t charge extra fees. In this economy every penny saved is a penny earned and we need all our pennies. Cash advances cost extra money so try to avoid them. Pay off your credit cards every month, even if you have to scrimp. It’s worth it not having to pay extra fees. Do what you can to make do and when the economy is better you wont owe a bundle.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Build a Healthier Community | Healthmad
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Build a Healthier Community | Healthmad: Build a Healthier Community | Healthmad By building a healthy community awareness we will not only increase our family’s awareness of h...
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Build a Healthier Community | Healthmad
Updates From Ruby Hawk: Build a Healthier Community | Healthmad: Build a Healthier Community | Healthmad By building a healthy community awareness we will not only increase our family’s awareness of h...
Build a Healthier Community | Healthmad
Build a Healthier Community | Healthmad
By building a healthy community awareness we will not only increase our family’s awareness of health issues, but also our friends and neighbors. Simple things you and your neighbors can do will greatly reduce risks of illnesses. Talk to your friends and see if you can come up with a plan to get the whole community involved. Adults could volunteer at Community Health Centers. Speak to someone who burns leaves and doesn’t know the danger. Or maybe kids and adults are sedentary. It could be fun for whole families to join together in activities.
Updates From Ruby Hawk: More Old Folk Sayings | Socyberty
Updates From Ruby Hawk: More Old Folk Sayings | Socyberty: More Old Folk Sayings | Socyberty I said in the first article I wrote how much I love these Old Folk Sayings, but in case you haven’t ...
More Old Folk Sayings | Socyberty
More Old Folk Sayings | Socyberty
I said in the first article I wrote how much I love these Old Folk Sayings, but in case you haven’t read the first article, I will repeat myself. I grew up hearing all these colorful sayings every day. I didn’t know how unique we were at the time and I didn’t appreciate our heritage as I do now.
I said in the first article I wrote how much I love these Old Folk Sayings, but in case you haven’t read the first article, I will repeat myself. I grew up hearing all these colorful sayings every day. I didn’t know how unique we were at the time and I didn’t appreciate our heritage as I do now.
Our people came from Ireland, Scotland, Germany and England. They brought the Old World language with them to the North Georgia hills and kept it much longer than other parts of America. It has all but disappeared now and it makes me sad to see it go.
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