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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Online Tutoring for Students | Scienceray

Online Tutoring for Students | Scienceray

These online homework sites are wonderful for students who need help with their studies. Mom and dad can get out of the picture and give students a chance to be tutored by their peers. It relieves parents and gives the student a feeling of confidence in doing it on their own, plus a step up in the classroom. I hope parents will pass on this information to any students in the house.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beautify Yourself | Quazen

Beautify Yourself | Quazen

You can make these masks and scrubs at home for little expense that work as well or better than those you shell out your do-ra-me for. You can mix up a concotion to cleanse your pores, help remove blackheads, relieve puffy eyes, moisten your skin or do just about anything you can think of. These natural products beautify your skin and help keep your money in your pocket.

Knowledge and Better Health | Healthmad

Knowledge and Better Health | Healthmad

We have more knowledge concerning our health than any previous time in history. We know tobacco, alcohol and drugs kill, yet millions continue to use these dangerous commodities to the detriment of health and well being. If we are truly ignorant, more education must be acquired to reduce health risks. Or are we like the lemmings on a long headed rush to extinction? Be that as it may, even with our excessive behavior, people have a longer life span that ever before.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Womens Education in The Eighteenth Century | Socyberty

Womens Education in The Eighteenth Century | Socyberty

In the 1700s and on into the next century very few women could write their own names. Education was considered harmful to girls. Girls were married early and expected to obey their husbands. Until then, they obeyed their fathers and brothers. Women cared for the children and household chores, and were completely under the rule of their husbands. They were chattel and had no rights under the law.

Courage | Authspot

Courage | Authspot

This is a true story that happened soon after I was married. Hazel and I were childhood friends and still are today, although I rarely see her anymore. Hazel was determined not to go to the hospital to have her baby. I helped by spending the day with her. Later that night she had the baby, with the help of her mother, my mother and a neighbor lady. The doctor came but it was after baby Linda was born. Mother and baby were fine.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

School and Homework | Gomestic

School and Homework | Gomestic

School is in session and many parents are opening the books and getting down to homework. Don’t do this to your child. Let him learn the basics of studying. Let him learn his strength and weakness. Let him benefit from trial and error. Let him learn to have confidence in his own ability. Let him know the grade he achieves is through his own efforts.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Deaf Man Wants to Join Army | Socyberty

Deaf Man Wants to Join Army | Socyberty

Kieth Nolan is deaf but he is doing everything he can to join the Army. He was accepted and joined the ROTC Officers Training Corp where he was an outstanding student, but to be commissioned into the Army, he had to pass a hearing test. He could advance no further and turned in his uniform. Still, he has his dreams of joining the Army and is encouraged with the event of the war wounded continuing to work behind the scenes, rather than being discharged due to disability. Rep. Henry A. Waxman is working on Nolan’s behalf.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

$12 Million Home is Too Small | Socyberty

$12 Million Home is Too Small | Socyberty

Mitt Romney is bulldozing his $12 million beach front mansion to make way for a new larger one. The new house will be 11,062 square feet with rooms for all his five married children and grandchildren. Destruction and construction will begin after the presidential election. Romney wouldn’t want voters to think he is wasteful or extravagant during election year. Especially when so many citizens are out of work and in need.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spring Rippled in | Authspot

Spring Rippled in | Authspot

Spring rippled in this year sweet as a song,and I loved every minute of it. I didn’t even complain about the heat of summer. I took it all in stride, but at the thought of winter, I'm dreading the cold winds while the temps are still in the 90s.

Spring Rippled In

Spring rippled in on a warm emerald breeze

Capering,dancing, pulling on her leash

She breathed on meadows and fields lying fallow

Woke minnows and tadpoles asleep in the shallows

Old Sol came alive fiery and hot

Summer strolled into the melting pot

We wore our shorts, halters and crops

Climbed the hills till we crested the tops

We hiked the trails and swam in the pools

Walked the board walks and played the fool

We sat on the deck swinging in the breeze

Or lounged on the couch watching limpid TV

Long summer days were sweet as a song

Now the cool breath of autumn tells me they are gone

Emerald will change to yellow and red

Magenta and orange will raise up their heads

Her Majesty autumn will yank on her leash

She wasn’t cut out to be mild and meek

So pull out your sweaters, mufflers and shawls

The seasons will change in spite of us all

It sounds so forlorn but let it be known

I will suffer the wind freezing my bones

I will shiver,shake, complain and moan

And wish for summer all winter long

More Poetry by Ruby Hawk:






Read more: http://authspot.com/poetry/spring-rippled-in/

Monday, August 22, 2011

Your Fall Flower Garden | Quazen

Your Fall Flower Garden | Quazen

September is the month your autumn perennials will be at their peak performance. Puffy mums of all colors, asters and Japanese anemones. And queen of the crop, Swamp sunflowers which tower over all the others. Take your time to enjoy these wonders of nature and while you are admiring, get ready for next spring’s planting.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What to Expect From a Colonoscopy | Healthmad

What to Expect From a Colonoscopy | Healthmad

A colonoscopy is a screening test for colon cancer. It is uncomfortable but doctors recommend you have your first screening at age 50 and thereafter every ten years, unless you have a family history of colon cancer, if so, you will need to be tested earlier and every five years. New testing that is less invasive is being done on certain individuals. Ask your doctor if it would be better for you. It requires no sedation and you avoid much of the discomfort of a regular colonoscopy.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

First Paralyzed Patient to Get Embryonic Stem Cells | Scienceray

First Paralyzed Patient to Get Embryonic Stem Cells | Scienceray

Discarded embryonic stem cells are being put to good use in a trial run of injections for paralyzed patients. They have proved to work in rats and now volunteers are opting for treatments in hopes of getting their legs back. One such patient is Timothy Atchison who lives in Chatom, Alabama. He was paralyzed from the chest down last year in a car accident.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Everyone is Doing It | Healthmad

Everyone is Doing It | Healthmad

Just because your kid says everyone is doing it, is no reason to let your child do something foolish. Breast enhancement, nose jobs and tattoos are not for children. When your child wants to follow the herd, remind her or him, she’s an individual and much too smart to be coerced into what everyone else is doing. Your kid is a smart cookie and should be playing her own game.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Decorate Your Home Yourself | Gomestic

Decorate Your Home Yourself | Gomestic

Every woman wants a lovely home. Too bad many of us cannot afford decorators, even so, you can still have a comfortable, attractive home by decorating it yourself. Paint isn’t too expensive and neither is fabric, purchased from thrift stores. You can be creative or look at decorating magazines to choose the look you want for your house. With a can do attitude, and a little elbow grease, you can be proud of your efforts.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Black and White Family Descendants Meet | Socyberty

Black and White Family Descendants Meet | Socyberty

Black and white family descendants met some time back at the Weems home plantation in Henry county. Many met for the first time and exchanged interesting information. They had lunch at the Baptist church near the plantation and visited the slave grave yard, which is the largest in Georgia and likely in the whole south. These descendants fulfilled Martin Luther Kings, "I have a Dream" speech.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Awareness in Patients During Surgery | Healthmad

Awareness in Patients During Surgery | Healthmad

Imagine waking up in the middle of surgery and being paralyzed and unable to move. It happens to at least 20,000 people every year and until recently, patients were told they were only having a bad dream. No more, doctors and hospitals are taking surgery awareness more seriously today. Hospitals were hopeful that a gadget called BIS which measures brain activity would signal when the patient was conscious, but it didn’t prove as effective as they thought. During surgery, the skill of the person administering the anesthesia is the only thing standing between you and unimaginable pain and terror.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Large Efficient Laundry Rooms are in | Gomestic

Large Efficient Laundry Rooms are in | Gomestic

A large efficient laundry room is a huge plus if you are selling your house. It will certainly make your house stand out in the buyers eye. Everyone is looking for more storage space and added convenience. Even if you are not in the market to sell, a nice laundry room will still be a convenience for your family. You can do as much or as little as your budget allows and it will add value to your home.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mosquitoes Love Stinky Sox | Healthmad

Mosquitoes Love Stinky Sox | Healthmad

Who would have thought it? Scientists have discovered that mosquitoes are drawn to stinky sox smells. So, they concocted eight chemicals that give off the same smell as stinky sox. The Gates Foundation is contributing funds to make the poisonous traps that attracts the mosquitoes and kills them. It will save the lives of many African children from Malaria, and help people in other countries that are heavily infested with mosquitoes.

Two-thirds of American Adults are Fat | Healthmad

Two-thirds of American Adults are Fat | Healthmad

America has become a fat infested country. It’s dangerous for our health and it cuts short many lives. Fat causes diabetes, heart disease, vascular disease, hypertension, strokes and adds risks of early death. It isn’t only adults who are fat. Children are effected also. Bad food choices and little exercise is taking a huge toll on the population. It’s the parents duty to see that the family eats a healthy diet. You don’t have to win a popularity contest. Your kids don’t have to love you for it, but if you want your family to have healthy lives, you must see to a healthy lifestyle.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Rich Versus The Poor | Socyberty

Rich Versus The Poor | Socyberty

The poor always get a bum rap when compared to the rich. In the U.S. this is more than true. The wealthy pay less tax than the middle class and the poor. Rich oil companies and huge farm co-opts receive subsidies from the federal government, while the middle class and poor carry the weight of the nation on their backs. Our social security retirement is now in jeopardy. It’s past time for the rich to pay their fair share.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Writing Fiction and Non-fiction | Writinghood

Writing Fiction and Non-fiction | Writinghood

Nobody can predict if your writing will succeed or fail. Some writers who are gifted with talent will never make it to first base. Others who show little talent will succeed as writers through perseverance and hard work. Never make any bets on writers. It can’t be predicted. Some writers are more confident with non-fiction, others turn to fiction. Choose what you are most comfortable with and fill that blank page with your words. Don’t worry about failure. If you don’t get it right this time, there’s always a next time.

Me and Sisters Out of Jar Lids | Quazen

Me and Sisters Out of Jar Lids | Quazen

Yes, child, me and Sister has canned so much sass this summer that we run plum out of jar lids. I had some lids we’d used last year and I told sister, I said, Sister, I do believe these lids will still be good. This rubber is still sticky on the inside. But Sister said no, she wasn’t aiming to stand over no hot fire canning and have all the jars spoil. Well, I wouldn’t like that either, but I didn’t want to go to town today. We had to go to the creek to wash off and change our clothes and honey it was a lot of trouble. (I believe some of my readers think my Sister stories are serious, so let me explain, they are not, it’s all in fun.)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to Have Good Relationship | Quazen

How to Have Good Relationship | Quazen

A good relationship requires more than just chemistry. Although chemistry is what makes us fall in love, it isn’t what gives us a long satisfying relationship. Any couple must have core values to share a good life together. Do you like the same things? Have the same outlook on life? What about home and family? Honesty, empathy? Nobody is perfect, we all have our share of faults, but honesty, communication and caring about each other must be at the center of every good relationship.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Safe Eco Friendly Bathroom Cleaner | Gomestic

Safe Eco Friendly Bathroom Cleaner | Gomestic

Safe Eco friendly bathroom cleaners are harmless with no chemicals fumes and they do a great job of cleaning. You will probably have the ingredients in the house and it’s easy to mix up the solution. Mix up a solution and try it, see what you think. It will save your money and your health. Instructions follow.

Make Your Own Beeswax Candles | Gomestic

Make Your Own Beeswax Candles | Gomestic

Did you know that regular paraffin wax candles are make from petroleum products that are carcinogens? Most of us don’t have that information. When candles are lit, they release even more harmful benzene and toluene, both products are carcinogens. But the kicker is, we can make beautiful beeswax candles that are actually very healthy, and are inexpensive and beautiful to the eye. Instructions follow.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to Grout Your Tub and Shower | Gomestic

How to Grout Your Tub and Shower | Gomestic

When you redecorate your bathroom, you certainly don’t want to leave your dingy stained grout to spoil your brand new look. Or maybe you didn’t redecorate but your you still want your grout to look shiny clean. Don’t worry. You can do the job yourself for very little money. The following instructions will direct you from beginning to end.

Meredith Vieira Leaves The Today Show | Quazen

Meredith Vieira Leaves The Today Show | Quazen

Meredith Vieira told the world she was leaving the "Today Show" in May and actually got around to doing it in June. It’s easy to see why, getting up at two o’clock in the morning for five years can make you tired and depressed, positively ready to leave, even for the outrageous salary she received. I feel sure this isn’t the last we will see of this courteous, sophisticated lady. I have no doubt we will see her before long on her own TV show.

Friday, August 5, 2011

How to Camouflage Dry Skin and Wrinkles | Quazen

How to Camouflage Dry Skin and Wrinkles | Quazen

Dry skin and brown spots can be a huge problem, but there are ways to camouflage them and make your skin look much better. Skin products are plentiful but knowing just what ingredients to look for can be confusing. The following information will take the guess work our of choosing your cosmetics. Make a list before you go to the department store or discount center so you wont forget.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Vibrant Colors From Natural Dyes You Can Make at Home | Quazen

Vibrant Colors From Natural Dyes You Can Make at Home | Quazen

You can make these natural dyes at home with plants, spices, berries, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Those old white tee shirts are good candidates for a dye job or some that have faded and lost their oomph. These ingredients can be found in your pantry, yard, woods, fields, roadsides, parks and gardens. They are all natural and are not harmful to the environment. It might be fun to see how many beautiful colors you can make from natural ingredients.